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Solids are made up of closely packed particles in a fixed arrangement. Liquids have particles that are close together, but they can move around and slide past each other. Gases have particles that are far apart and move freely.

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Q: What are the building blocks of solids liquids and gases?
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What is the rank of solids liquids and gases in order of particle speed from the highest speed to the lowest speed?

Gases have the highest particle speed, followed by liquids, and then solids. Gases have particles that are widely spaced and move quickly, while liquids have particles that move more slowly due to stronger intermolecular forces, and solids have the slowest particles due to their fixed positions.

Do solids liquids and gases have different masses?

Yes, solids, liquids, and gases have different masses because their particles are packed differently. In general, solids have the most mass because their particles are closely packed, while gases have the least mass because their particles are spread out. Liquids have a mass between that of solids and gases.

How does the kinetic energy of solids liquids and gases compare?

Gases have the highest kinetic energy, followed by liquids, and then solids. -apex

What is the common denominator in solids liquids and gases?

The common denominator in solids, liquids, and gases is that they are all forms of matter. They differ in their arrangement of particles and the extent to which those particles move. Solids have tightly packed particles with little movement, liquids have particles that are more spread out with some movement, and gases have particles that are very spread out and move freely.

Do liquids and solids diffuse easily?

No, liquids and solids do not diffuse as easily as gases due to their tightly packed molecular structure and lower kinetic energy. Diffusion in liquids is generally slower than in gases, but it can still occur over time. In solids, diffusion is even slower due to the rigid arrangement of molecules.

Related questions

Are atoms considered gases or solids?

Neither. Atoms are the building blocks that when put together become solids, liquids or gasses.

All solids liquids and gases are?

some solids,liquids and gases are dangers some are not dangers

What item has a fixed volume solids liquids or gases?

solids and liquids

Are liquids and gases not materials?

Solids, liquids, and gases are all forms of materials. Only solids are used as building materials (although even then, one could argue, cement is poured in liquid form before it solidifies).

What makes up solids liquids and gases?

Molecules - They are more tightly packed in solids than liquids and gases

How does the kinetic of solids liquids and gases compare?

The kinetic energy is lowest in solids, higher in liquids, and highest in gases.

How does solids liquids and gases benefit us?

Solids provide structure and support for objects, liquids enable transportation of substances in organisms and machinery, and gases are essential for respiration and provide buoyancy for objects like hot air balloons. Together, they enable diverse functions in industries and daily life, supporting health and sustaining ecosystems.

How does the kinetic energy of solids liquids and gases compare?

Gases have the highest kinetic energy, followed by liquids, and then solids. -apex

What is the rank of solids liquids and gases in order of particle speed from the highest speed to the lowest speed?

Gases have the highest particle speed, followed by liquids, and then solids. Gases have particles that are widely spaced and move quickly, while liquids have particles that move more slowly due to stronger intermolecular forces, and solids have the slowest particles due to their fixed positions.

What are not like gases?

Solids and liquids are not like gases.

What waves travel through solids liquids and gases?

Seismic waves travel through solids, liquids, and gases.

Are stars made of solids liquids or gases?

Mostly gases