

What are the captcha numbers?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are the captcha numbers?
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What is captcha security?

A captcha is a web technology to find out whether you are a human being or a computer. Usually the user is required to identify the letters and numbers in a code which machines are unable to read.

Why do websites ask to copy code on screen?

this code which could be combined with letters and/or numbers is called CAPTCHA. A CAPTCHA is used to determine if the user is a human and to prevent automated scripts from attempting to attack the site.

Is it called Capcha or CAPTCHA?

The correct spelling is Captcha. You can get more information about Captcha's at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Captcha" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

How do you make a captcha?

You may buy captcha from all kind of services or create one by yourself using some open source captcha. Check the link below for a list of open source captcha services.

Why do you have to do the CAPTCHA thing as a WikiGuide?

WikiGuides do not have the captcha because of the nature of their work in the community.

Do you have to enter a CAPTCHA on WikiAnswers when you enter a question?

No, you do not have to enter a CAPTCHA when you ask a question.And when you answer a question?To answer a question, however, you have to enter the CAPTCHA if you are not signed in to the site.

How does captcha wrk?

it doenst

Can't create Yahoo Mail account CAPTCHA won't load?

i have tried multy captcha but it wont work

How do you do captcha entry?

You pay for a service that pays for people (cheap human resource) to pass the captcha tests. It is that simple.

Why wont steam captcha work?

The CAPTCHA may not work because you may have typed it in wrong, or it may be a "faulty" CAPTCHA. If you're having trouble then try using a different browser, or reload the page.

Why do you have to type in two words before you can post a comment on some websites?

This is called a CAPTCHA, this site uses one. It's used to counter bots and spam since bots and macros have lots of trouble reading the weird letters and numbers. Basically it's a check to make sure a real person is actually posting the comment. A popular free CAPTCHA is provided by, which is the same CAPTCHA this site uses.

Do you have to enter a CAPTCHA on WikiAnswers when you answer a question?

Not If You Are Signed InSigned-in users do not have to enter a CAPTCHA when answering questions, but anonymous IP addresses do.