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Q: What are the cathode and anode in a fuel cell made from?
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What is the cathode of a galvanic cell made with magnesium and gold?

the gold electrode

What is the difference between electrolytic reduction and electrolytic refining under these heads a. electrodes b. electrolytes c. reaction at positive and negative electrodes?

The difference between electrolytic refining and electrolytic reduction is as follows: a. In electrolytic reduction graphite electrodes are used which are of same size. in electrolytic refining the anode is made of the impure metal which is to be purified and the cathode is made from that pure metal. initially the cathode is thick and the anode is very thin. b. the electrolyte used in electrolytic refining is the metal sulphate with acid (acid id added to increase the conductivity) which is aqueous in nature. whereas in electrolytic reduction molten chloride form of the solution is used. c. The impure metal at the anode displaces the metal from the aqueous solution and the these ions go to the cathode and attach to the cathode as they are now pure. basically the impure metal at the anode directly doesn't go to the cathode, its a indirect process. as the reaction goes on, the size of the anode reduces and finally disappears and the cathode becomes thick as all the impure metal is converted into pure metal. this happens in electrolytic refining. whereas in electrolytic reduction the metal from the molten solution deposits on the cathode and chlorine gas is evolved at the anode. general differences: a. in electrolytic reduction no anode mud is formed and in electrolytic refining anode mud is formed from the impurities oh the impure metal. b. electrolytic reduction is done to extract metals of high reactivity from their ores. electrlolytic refining is done to purify (refine) metals from their impure form.

Why During Electroplating The Article To Be Plated Is Always Made The Cathode?

Yes. Electrons will be transferred from the negative cathode to the dissolved metal ions (eg. Ag+ ) in order to let them 'plate' as metal element (eg. Ags ) set to the surface of conductive anode.

An electrolytic cell is made with zinc and aluminum electrodes Which of the following happen at the cathode of this cell?

Aluminum is reduced. Zinc ions are formed.

What types of material can a fuel cell be made of?

There are 3 main types of a Fuel Cell. 1. Hydrogen Fuel Cell. This is the main one people use nowadays. 2. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. 3. Alkaline Fuel cell. Made from Alkaline metals.

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It is a type of battery that can be recharged in which the anode contains lithiam and the cathode is made of a type of porous carbon.

What is reversed conditioning?

The cathode must be made more positive with respect to the anode.

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The cathode must be made more positive with respect to the anode.

Difference Downs cell and nelson cell are electrolytic cell between Daniel cell and fuel cell r galvanic or voltaic cell?

In Nelson's cell, an aqueous solution of concentrated NaCl is used for the industrial production of NaOH, while in Down's cell fused or molten NaCl is used for obtaining sodium metalIn Nelson's cell, three main chemicals are obtained as products that are Hydrogen gas, Chlorine gas and NaOH whereas in down's cell chlorine gas and sodium metal is produced as a product.In Down's cell, graphite is used as anode and iron is used as cathode. But, in Nelson's cell perforated steels is made cathode and grapite as anode.

Where did the electrons from cathode ray come from?

In a cathode ray tube (CRT), the particles, which are electrons, originate at the heated cathode, becoming the so-called cathode rays. The electrons stream off the cathode and rush over to the anode.

What is a lithium-ion cells?

It is a type of battery that can be recharged in which the anode contains lithiam and the cathode is made of a type of porous carbon.

Can a silicon diode be forward biased if the anode voltage is negative?

To be forward biased any diode (e.g. vacuum tube, crystal, junction, point contact) must have its relative anode voltage more positive than its cathode voltage. If the absolute anode voltage is negative but the cathode voltage is even more negative, then the diode will be forward biased. But as your question made no mention at all of the cathode, I cannot tell if this is the case or not.

What is remarkable about fuel cells?

The only thing that comes out of the tailpipe is water! The other not so remarkable thing is the price. A fuel cell is made up of two electrodes, and each one is an ion-transfer membrane (allows ions to pass through but not air or liquid). In between these membranes is a liquid called electrolyte, whose job is to carry ions from one electrode to the other. On the far side of the cathode (negatively charged electrode), hydrogen is pumped in, and on the far side of the anode (positively charged electrode), oxygen or air is pumped in. At the cathode, hydrogen is stripped of its electrons, which get removed by the electrode. This electricity is used to power lights, ovens, computers, etc.. The remaining hydrogen ions flow through the electrolyte and converge on the anode. On the return trip the electrons get fed into the anode where they are picked up by oxygen atoms, which then combine with the hydrogen ions to form water. Viola, you have a fuel cell. The reason they are so expensive is because, at the anode, a catalyst such as platinum has to be used to help the reaction along. The other issue that is preventing widespread use of the fuel cell is that an effective hydrogen distribution system is not in place. You could have a fuel cell car, but where would you buy hydrogen?

What are the equipments for salt water pool system?

the usual pool pump to move water through the salt cell , the salt cell itsalf consisting of an anode and a cathode, and the power transformer or control panel to supply power to the salt cell ,, in some cases the transformer is made inside the salt cell.

A voltaic cell is made with gold and sodium electrodes What happens at the cathode of this cell?

Gold is reduced. Gold is plated onto the cathode.

How is an electrolytic cell different from a galvanic cell?

Electrons flow in the opposite direction.

How can an SCR be made to conduct?

An SCR has three legs. The anode, cathode, and gate. The control voltage sent to the gate will allow the SCR to conduct.