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Q: What are the cell junctions that best keep cells from being pulled apart?
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Which component of the intercalated disk is a strong intercellular junction that functions to keep cells from being pulled apart during contractions?

The desmosomes are the component of the intercalated disk is a intercellular junction to keep cells from being pulled apart during contractions. The myocardial vortex is the arrangement of the cardiac muscle cells.

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a tight junction is when two cells are anchored together BY desmosomes, which act like spot welds. This enables them to stay together without being pulled apart and also allows them to pass things to each other through their semi-permeable membrane.

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Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

Which type of junctions prevent water leakage between cells?

Tight Junctions

What aid in the coordination of the activities of adjacent animal cells?

There are gap junctions which help the cells communicate with one another.

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plasmodesmata tight junctions desmosomes gap junctions the plasmodesmata is the only cell junction in the plant cells.. and the other three cell junctions are in the animal cells...

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Certain cells form connections, or cellular junctions, to neighboring cells. These junctions hold cells together firmly.

How are the cells of a multicellular like a baseball team?

Certain cells form connections, or cellular junctions, to neighboring cells. These junctions hold cells together firmly.

What cells have cell junctions?

Mainly animal cells

Plasmodesmata of plant cells are functionally equivalent to what of animal cells?

If the answer choices are a. Extracellular Martix b. Desmosomes c. Gap Junctions d. Tight Junctions e. Peroxisomes Then the answer is definitely C, Gap Junctions

How are the cell of a multicellular organism like a baseball team?

Certain cells form connections, or cellular junctions, to neighboring cells. These junctions hold cells together firmly.