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Q: What are the chances of having twins if the father to be is a non identical twin?
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What are the chances of identical twins?

the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.

What are the chances of identical twins having twins themselves?

Women who are themselves fraternal twins have a 10% chance of producing twins, identical twin women have only a 0.6% probability of having a twin birth.

What are the chances of a female triplet having twins?

I am an identical twin myself, and my wife just had identical triplets. So probably we would not've had twins if I was a singleton. So the chances of us multiples having them is around 1 in 20.....

What are the chances of having twins when the father to be is an identical twin and his mother has identical twin brothers?

You have the same chance as the general population. Identical twins are a genetic accident, researchers still don't know what triggers an egg to split making two embryos from one fertilized egg.

What are the chances of having twins after aborting twins?

It is the same for any other pregnancy. Abortion does not change the randomness of identical twins or the familiar tendency to have fraternal twins.

I am a fraternal twin what are the odds of me having twins?

its not likely that you will have twins then... normally you will not have a chance of having twins unless your mother side of the family has a history of twins it matter if you dads side does or not and also if you are over the age of 35 years old. Most likely if your siblings are twins the there is a possibility that they them selves or their children will have twins..

How can you improve the chances of having twins?

There are two primary types of twins, Identical and Fraternal. Identical twins occur when the egg splits after fertilization. To date no indication of a genetic link has been found. Anyone has a chance, though small, of having identical twins. Fraternal twins occur when more than one egg is dropped during ovulation. This trait can be inherited from the mother's side of the family. Studies have shown that the chances are also increased by being overweight or older.

If I had identical twins 3 years ago what are my changes of having another set of identical twins?

The same as when you had the first set of identical twins.

What are the chances of having twins if your husband is a twin and twins run on your side of the family?

Fraternal (non-identical) multiples caused by the mother releasing (or being implanted with) two or more eggs… the father has no influence in the connection fraternal multiples! Identical multiples are just a miracle of nature when the egg splits two or more times, it is not generally considered a genetic trait. You chance would only increase if you were one of a naturally conceived triplet (with at least one fraternal).

Who is responsible for sex determination in humans the male or female?

When twins are the result of two eggs being fertilized at the same time (non identical twins) there is some evidence to show that there is a genetic basis for this kind of twins. However, it is only their mother that has any effect on the chances of having non identical twins; there is no known mechanism for a father to cause the release of more than one ovum When twins are the result of the zygote splitting into two embryos (identical twins) then this is considered a random act nobody is responsible.

If a mother looses one baby but is still pregnant was she having identical twins?

Not necessarily you could be having twins and they don't have to be identical.

What is the probability of having twins if your dad is a twin?

I'm not sure on the actual percentages. It firstly depends on if your father is an identical or non-identical twin. (Maternal or fraternal) Non-identical (fraternal) twins are the hereditary type, not the identical ones. Identical twins are simply a hiccup with the cell division during fetal growth, whereas non-identical twins are due to the hereditary tendency of the woman releasing more than one egg at a time. The gene for non-identical twins is directly passed from fathers to daughters, and the chance of having twins usually skips a generation too (like baldness in men!). So, if your father is a twin (a non-identical twin) and you are his daughter, it's possible that you may also have twins, but it's far more likely that your daughter will. My father is a twin (his brother died at birth and it's not known if he was maternal or fraternal unfortunately) and I only have 1 child (a daughter). She has a very high chance of having twins if dad was fraternal.