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The characters are... Holling Hoodhood, Mrs.Baker, Heather Hoodhood, Danny Humpfer, Meryl Lee, and many more.

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Q: What are the character on Wednesday wars?
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Related questions

Who holling hoodhood?

A character from the Historical Fiction, Wednesday Wars.

What is the main character in the Wednesday wars?

holling hoodhood (for serious)

What are the character traits of Mrs Hoodhood from the wednesday wars?


What are the rats names from the Wednesday wars?

There are two rats in "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt: Socrates and Chompers. They play a significant role in the story as they are owned by the main character's classmate, Danny Bigtree.

What traits does Mai Thi have from the Wednesday wars?

In "The Wednesday Wars," Mai Thi is described as independent, strong-willed, and courageous. She faces challenges with resilience and stands up for what she believes in, making her a memorable character in the story.

Who are the main characters in The Wednesday Wars?

the Main main character in Holling Hoodhood the main characters are: holling Hoodhood Mr. Hoodhood Mrs. Hoodhood and Mrs.baker

What is a character dialogue observation of Holling Hoodhood from the Wednesday Wars?

Holling Hoodhood from "The Wednesday Wars" is known for his witty and humorous dialogue, often showcasing his sharp observational skills and clever comebacks. He uses sarcasm and wordplay to navigate the challenges he faces, adding depth and humor to his character. Holling's dialogue reveals his intelligence and resilience, making him a memorable and relatable protagonist.

What happens in Wednesday Wars in October?

she dies

What are some character traits of Meryl Lee from The Wednesday Wars?

She is determind because she still teachs the class if her love one is missing actions

Where is the irony in Wednesday wars?

They usually happen on tuesdays

What happens in the Wednesday wars in November?

Everyone died

Who is Mr Guareschi in Wednesday Wars?

There is no character named Mr. Guareschi in the book "Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt. The story focuses on Holling Hoodhood, a seventh grader living in New York during the late 1960s.