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I won't do your homework ,but summarize everything in the essay in 3-4 sentences. The closing sentence should have a very powerful impact

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Q: What are the characteristics of a good conclusion?
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What are the characteristics of a good Research Question?

It must lead to a definitive conclusion

What are the characteristics of a good question paper?

Some good characteristics would be:Not answerable in a single sentence.Leads to a conclusion that is debatable.Requires investigation in order to be answered.Is understandable to those outside the specific field.APEX: IT MUST LEAD TO A CONCLUSION THAT IS DEBATABLE;)

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A conclusion is a synopsis of the experiment, along with the findings of the experiment. It ties the entire project together.

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For conclusion the facebook is an good network site

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There is no "good" conclusion of U.S. history. Any such conclusion would be tragic. A conclusion would, however, include any Republican being elected president.

A good conclusion is?

not a summary.

How do you xxplain the characteristics of a good questionnaire?

= Characteristics of a Good Questionnaire =

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the good characteristics of paper

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my conclusion is abou rihanna tha she is a nice artist she is good at sing reall y

Is a conclusion something good?

Depends. A conclusion is the end of something. If it is something you are pleased to see come to an end, like a war or a joke, then a conclusion is a good thing. If it is a marriage or a life, maybe not.