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Q: What are the characteristics of good questions related to principles of teaching?
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Pedagogy refers to the methods and principles of teaching, especially as related to children's education. It includes strategies for instruction, classroom management, curriculum design, and assessment techniques aimed at facilitating learning and development in students.

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The main teaching of Islam is to worship Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity anf Judaism) as the one and only one God with no son, no father, no companion, no partner, no associate, and no equivalence. Refer to related questions below.

What are the teaching of Muslims?

The main teaching is to submit to Allah (or God in English) and to worship Him as the God and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, np associate, and no equivalence and to follow the commands and teachings of Quran and prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Refer to related questions below.

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AnswerThe five pillars are the basic principles upon them all Islam teachings and morals are based.See related questions below for more information.-ELO-