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Sulfur-anion/sulfid [ S-2 ] got two negative charges.

Quicksilver Hg is two times in molecular formula. So it has to be [ Hg+1 ] for a neutral charged compound.

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The positive ions in Hg2S are Mercury ions (Hg2+), which have a charge of +2.

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Q: What are the charges on the positive ions in the Hg2S?
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What are Molecules that carry positive or negative electrical charges?

Molecules that carry positive or negative electrical charges are called ions. Positively charged ions are called cations, while negatively charged ions are called anions. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons.

How can ionic compounds be neutral if they consist of positive and negative ions?

Ionic compounds are neutral because they have an equal number of positive and negative charges. In a crystal lattice structure, the positive and negative ions are arranged in such a way that overall the compound has no net charge. This balance of positive and negative charges is what makes the compound stable.

When writing formula for ionic compound the charges of the ions must?

When writing the formula for an ionic compound, the charges of the ions must balance out to zero. This is achieved by crisscrossing the charges of the ions to determine the subscripts in the formula. The positive charge of the cation must balance the negative charge of the anion in the compound formula.

What is a group of atoms with with a positive or negative charge?

A group of atoms with a positive or negative charge is called an ion. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons. Positive ions are called cations, while negative ions are called anions.

What information is needed to write a correct chemical formula to represent an ionic bonds?

To write the correct chemical formula for an ionic bond, you need the charges of the ions involved. The positive and negative charges must balance in the formula, with the positive charge from the cation equaling the negative charge from the anion. Additionally, you will need to determine the ratio of the ions to ensure neutrality in the compound.

Related questions

What charges do the hydroxide and hydrogen ions carry?

Hydrogen Ions carry positive charges. Hydroxide Ions carry negative charges.

What kinds of charges can ions have?

Ions can have either a positive or a negative charge.

Ions can have only positive charges?


Are ions negatively charged?

You can have positive ions and negative ions. For example, take saltwater which dissociates into: Na+ & Cl- Typically the number positive charges and negative charges must balance.

Do ions posses charges?

Yes, ions are charged molecules by definition. There are two types cations (with positive charges) and anions (with negative charges).

Does current electricity have positive and negative charges?

No electric charges may be positive or negative - electrons have a negative charge; ions have a positive charge.

What are Molecules that carry positive or negative electrical charges?

Molecules that carry positive or negative electrical charges are called ions. Positively charged ions are called cations, while negatively charged ions are called anions. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons.

What is the positive charge of N20?

Ions composed of nitrogen and oxygen are negatively charged, they do not have positive charges.

How can ionic compounds be neutral if they consist of positive and negative ions?

Ionic compounds are neutral because they have an equal number of positive and negative charges. In a crystal lattice structure, the positive and negative ions are arranged in such a way that overall the compound has no net charge. This balance of positive and negative charges is what makes the compound stable.

What are characteristics of ion?

Ions carry positive or negative charges.

What is the charge of ions and positive ions?

There are two types of charges of ions that are the negative and the positive charges. Ionic bonding is between 2 types of elements;the metals and non-metals. Metals loose electrons while non-metals gain electrons. when they form ions they obtain charges. The metals always gain a positive charge as they loose electrons while the non-metals always gain a negative charge as they gain electrons.

Do ionic bonds form between ionized atoms?

Yes, only if there are both ions with positive charges and ions with negative charges among the ionized atoms.