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A penny and a two cent coin.

(The two-cent coin was produced in the United States from 1864-1873)

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Q: What are the coins if you have two US coins that are worth a total of 3 cents and one of them is not a nickel?
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You have 2 coins in your hand worth 15c if one of the coins is not a 5c piece what are the 2 coins you possess?

For American currency. You have two coins worth a total of 15 cents. One of the coins is not a nickel. What are they? The one that's not a nickel is a dime. The OTHER coin is a nickel.

If you have two coins that are worth 15 cents what are the two coins if one of them is not a nickel?

One is a nickel and one is a dime. The one that is NOT A NICKEL is the dime!

What is a quarter plus a nickel?

A nickel is worth 5 cents. A quarter is worth 25 cents. Together the total is 30 cents.

17 Two US coins are worth a total of 0.30 and one of them is not a nickel What are the coins?

Two U.S. coins are worth a total of $0.30, and one of them is not a nickel. What are the coins? A nickel and a quarter: It merely says ONE of them is not a nickel. The other one can be.

How is a nickel similar to the decimal number 0.05 How are other coins realted to decimal numbers?

A nickel is worth 5 cents, which is written as $0.05. Coins are all fractions of dollars.For example, a dime is worth 10 cents, and 10 cents is written $0.10..A quarter is worth 25 cents, written $0.25.

What two coins are worth 15 cents however one of them is not a nickel?

Its a Dime and A nickel, because one is not a nickel but the other one is

Jimmy has 4 coins worth 8 cents what coins does Jimmy have?

He has a US nickel and three US pennies.

Two US coins are worth a total of 0.30 and one of them is not a nickel. What are the coins?

One is not a nickel, it is a quarter. The other coin is a nickel.

How much is 2 quarters and a nickel?

It's 3 coins and is worth 55 cents

Two U.S. coins are worth a total of 0.30 and one of them is not a nickel what are the two U.S. coins?

A nickel and a quarter.

You have 2 US coins that when added together total 55 cents but one is not a nickel?

The puzzle is actually stated "You have two coins worth 55 cents and one of them is not a nickel. What are they?"The answer of course is a half dollar and a nickel. The half dollar is the coin that isn't a nickel!

2 coins are worth 30 cents and one of them is not a nickel. What are the coins?

One is a quarter. One is a nickel. This way, one (the quarter) is not a nickel. You never said that both of them weren't nickels.