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The plant or animal must be encased in a substance that prevents destruction or erosion. Ice, tar, or layers of mud or clay can isolate the remains from sunlight, air, and consumption by other lifeforms. Over time, a mineralized form or a rock cast will result in a fossil or fossil imprint.

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14y ago
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9y ago

1) Rapid Burial

2) possession of hard part (skeleton, shell,etc)

3) Low oxygen levels and cold

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11y ago

It should have high carbon content. When the carbon in high pressure and temperature it will become a fossil

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11y ago

Rapid burial and possession of hard part (skeleton, shell,etc)

AND Low oxygen levels and cold

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9y ago

One conditions that favors an organism becoming a fossil is that the organism has hard parts. Another condition is that rapid burial of the organism, where oxygen can not reach it.

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Q: What are the conditions that favor fossil formation?
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