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In "Lord of the Flies," the consequences of breaking the rules often lead to chaos and destruction within the group. This can result in violence, loss of order, and ultimately the disintegration of civilized behavior among the boys on the island. Breaking rules can also lead to a loss of control and the emergence of savage tendencies in the characters.

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Q: What are the consequences of breaking the rules lord and the flies?
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What are the consequences of breaking ralphs rules lord of the flies?

Breaking Ralph's rules in "Lord of the Flies" leads to chaos and conflict among the boys. It results in a loss of order and a breakdown of civilization on the island, ultimately leading to violence and the boys' descent into savagery.

What are the consequences of breaking the rules in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," breaking the rules set by the boys leads to chaos, violence, and ultimately, loss of civilization among the group. As the boys become more savage and disregard authority and order, the consequences include fear, brutality, and the breakdown of morality. The novel exemplifies how the absence of rules and structure can result in destructive behavior and loss of humanity.

What is the consequences of breaking the rules in Lord of Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," breaking the rules leads to chaos, violence, and ultimately the deterioration of societal structure among the boys stranded on the island. This breakdown of order results in power struggles, fear, and the loss of civilization, highlighting the darker aspects of human nature when rules and morality are abandoned.

Why is the rules so important to Ralph and what is the consequences of breaking them?

Rules are important to Ralph because they provide structure, order, and a sense of security within the group. Breaking the rules can lead to chaos, disorganization, and conflict among the group members. It can also undermine Ralph's authority as a leader and jeopardize the group's survival on the island in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

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Who said have rules Lots of rules then when anyone breaks them- in the lord of the flies?


Who said this in the Lord of the Flies Which is better law and rescue or hunting and breaking things up?

Piggy says this line in "Lord of the Flies." He is advocating for order and rules, symbolized by "law and rescue," while contrasting it with the chaos and violence represented by "hunting and breaking things up." Piggy believes in the importance of civilization and the need for rescue, as opposed to the savagery that some of the other boys embrace.

What rules are important to Ralph for the book the lord of the flies?

because he wanted order and peace and without rules they wuld become savages

What is the main reason everything is falling apart Lord of the flies?

The main reason for everything falling apart in "Lord of the Flies" is the boys' descent into savagery and the breakdown of civilization through power struggles, fear, and the loss of moral values. The lack of adult supervision and the boys' primal instincts lead to chaos, violence, and the collapse of order on the island.

What are the children turning into in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the children are not physically transforming into anything. However, they are symbolically degenerating into savagery and cruelty as they become increasingly disconnected from society's rules and norms on the deserted island.

In lord of the flies who believes the rule are the only thing we've got?

Ralph believes that rules are the only thing they have in "Lord of the Flies." He is committed to maintaining a sense of order and structure on the island to ensure the boys' survival and eventual rescue.

What does the voice of the schoolmaster represent in the Lord of the Flies novel?

Saying that the Lord of the Flies speakes in 'the voice of a schoolmaster' shows that Simon is still thinking of home, but more importantky that the boys are following the Lord of the Flies rules on the island in the same way they would the schoolmaster back in England.