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I do not know of any polymers that are 100 percent crystalline. This is because most of the polymers you can make or buy have different molecular weights. So unlike small molecules, there are some differences in sizes between polymers. These differences prevent the polymer from being able to pack perfectly. This is the main reason why crystalline polymers also have amorphous regions.

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18y ago
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14y ago

Polymer whose molecular structure lacks a definite repeating form, shape, or structure is called amorphous polymer and has no definite shape while the polymer in which a unit structure repeats itself is called crystalline in nature and has a definite shape, form and structure.

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13y ago

crystalline phase is exactly what it sound like. After years of stress within intense gravity and increased density in some cases a period of crystallization occurs, just like the quartz that is abundant here on earth and other places through increased heat from the bombardment of meteorites. Just like a diamond comes into being through years of pressure coal after thousands of years will crystallize and become a diamond. For the question of amorphous phase of a polymer, I can only imagine it is the stage between a gas and a solid polymer which in most cases is a man made substance such as plastic.

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13y ago
  • A crystalline solid has a pattern of atoms or molecules that, baring defects, could repeat infinitely.
  • An amorphous solid has no such pattern.
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Amorphous structures do not have the neat arrangement of atoms found in the crystalline structure of minerals.

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Q: What are the difference between a crystalline structure and an amorphous structure?
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What is the difference between molecular structure and crystal structure?

The difference between atomic structures and crystal structures is that in atomic structures, atom patterns are mismatched, random, and disordered unlike crystal structures in which atoms are positioned in orderly and repeated patterns.For example to crystalline structure; BCC FCC and HCP

What is the difference between a crystalline rock and a clastic rock?

Crystalline rock is composed of interlocking crystalline grains, as in granite. Clastic rock is composed of rock or mineral grains which have become cemented together by the processes of lithification. Examples of clastic rock are sandstone and conglomerate.

What is a mi mineraloid?

It is important to distinguish between a mineral and a mineraloid. A mineral is an inorganic, naturally occurring substance that has a characteristic chemical composition, distinctive physical properties, and solid crystalline structure (an order 3 dimensional arrangement of atoms or molecules). If it does not have this solid crystalline structure, it is not a true mineral and is therefore a "mineraloid."

What is the difference between a mineral and a crystal?

A crystal is a solid state of a mineral, the crystalline shapes formed by minerals depend upon their molecular structure. Wheras it is possible for a mineral to be liquified within molten lava for instance, it does not form back into crystals until it cools under a process known as fractional crystallisation.

What is the difference between a crystal and a mineral?

A crystal is a solid state of a mineral, the crystalline shapes formed by minerals depend upon their molecular structure. Wheras it is possible for a mineral to be liquified within molten lava for instance, it does not form back into crystals until it cools under a process known as fractional crystallisation.

Related questions

What is the difference between a crystalline solid and an amprohous solid?

An amorphous material has a non ordered structure.

What is the difference between a crystalline solid and an amorphous solid?

An amorphous solid doesn't contain any crystal.

What is the difference between an amorphous and crystalline solid when heated?

An amorphous solid softens over a temperature range, but a crystalline solid has a sharp melting point.

How do crystalline solids differ from amorphous?

the difference between crystalline solids and amorphous solids are that particles in crystalline solids form a regular repeating pattern but in amorphous solids they are not arranged in a regular shapeCrystals are solids with fixed, regularpatterns

What is difference between amorphous and crystalline solids?

Amorphous solids do not have a regular repeating structure at the atomic level, resulting in a lack of long-range order, while crystalline solids have a well-defined, repeating atomic arrangement. Amorphous solids exhibit properties like isotropy and lack a sharp melting point, in contrast to crystalline solids that have distinct melting points and crystal structures.

What is the difference between a crystalline and an amorphous solid material?

Crystalline solids have a well-ordered arrangement of atoms or molecules in a repeating pattern, whereas amorphous solids lack a long-range order and have a random arrangement of atoms or molecules. This difference leads to variations in properties such as melting point, transparency, and mechanical strength between the two types of solids.

Describe the difference between a crystalline solid and an amorphous solid?

Crystalline solids have an ordered and repeating atomic structure, resulting in a specific geometric arrangement of atoms. In contrast, amorphous solids lack a defined long-range order and have a disordered atomic structure with no specific pattern. This difference in atomic arrangement leads to variations in physical properties such as melting point and transparency.

Differentiate between cristaline solids and amorphous solids?

Crystalline solids have a highly ordered and repeating atomic structure, resulting in well-defined geometric shapes and distinct melting points. Amorphous solids lack a regular repeating structure, leading to random atomic arrangements and no sharp melting points. Examples of crystalline solids include salt and diamond, while examples of amorphous solids include glass and plastic.

What are the essential features of noncrystalline materials?

The do not have a regular and repeating structure.See the Related Questions regarding the difference between amorphous and crystalline materials.

What type of matter is arranged in a crystalline or amorphous form?

Matter can be arranged in a crystalline or amorphous form. Crystalline solids have a regular and repeating atomic structure, while amorphous solids do not have a specific order and arrangement of atoms. Examples of crystalline solids include metals and salts, while glass is an example of an amorphous solid.

What is the differences between amorphous and crystalline solids?

Amorphous solids have a random arrangement of atoms or molecules, resulting in no long-range order, while crystalline solids have a well-defined and repeating three-dimensional arrangement of atoms or molecules. Crystalline solids have a sharp melting point and distinct cleavage planes, while amorphous solids soften over a range of temperatures and do not have cleavage planes.

What is diffrance between amorphous solids and crystalized solids?

Crystalline solids have a particular geometric organization of their atoms. Amorphous solids do not.