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CMOS circuits utilize complementary MOSFETs, i.e; NMOS and PMOS devices together in various patterns to create functional blocks like AND or OR gates. However the problem with these types of CMOS circuits is that they are inherently low power circuits. They cannot handle large currents. So when your block needs to have a large fan out (need to drive a large no of outputs, i.e; more current required) CMOS circuits fail. That is why we use BiCMOS. They are very similar to CMOS circuits except for the BJT(Bipolar Junction Transistor) output stage. BJTs are capable of carrying large currents, hence BiCMOS circuits are used in cases of large current requirements.

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Q: What are the differences between bi-cmos and cmos technology?
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What are the Disadvantages of cmos over pmos and nmos?

CMOS and NMOS are two logic families. As the name itself indicates, CMOS is complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology. It uses both PMOS and NMOS transistors for design. Whereas, NMOS logic family uses only NMOS FETs for design.

What is CMOS technology?

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) is a technology for constructing integrated circuits.

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How big are the transistors on the Pentium 1 processor?

The size ranged between 0.8 um to about .25um. Clock speeds range between 60 to 300 Mhz. The first 3 pentiums were in fact BiCmos.... integrating both Bi-polar and metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) transistors. Was not until the Pentium 4 arrived where they went complete CMOS. Reasons for this were mainly fabricating related. Commercially CMOS did take over but for high performance Bi-Polar is still used.

Why do you need a CMOS on motherboard?

You do not need CMOS circuits per se but that's the way many modern components are manufactured. Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) is a technology for constructing integrated circuits. CMOS technology is used inmicroprocessors, microcontrollers, static RAM, and other digital logic circuits. CMOS technology is also used for a wide variety of analog circuits such as image sensors, data converters, and highly integrated transceivers for many types of communication.

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What type of product is a cmos mux?

A CMOS Mux is a piece of technology that is used to create integrated circuits that are used in electronics. The full name of 'CMOS' is Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.