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For full accrual, just look up accrual accounting, that's basically it. Modified Accrual Accounting is a governmental accounting method where revenue is recognized when it becomes available and measurable. Also, expenditure is typically recognized in the period in which the liability is incurred, except in cases where: 1. inventories of materials and supplies that may be considered expenditures either when bought or used 2. interest on general and special assessment long-term debt that is recognized on the date due; and 3. use of encumbrances, in which case, most governmental funds follow the modified accrual method. Page 273, Dictionary of Accounting Terms, Baron's Business Guides, Baron's Educational Services, 1987 New York A Cash Budget is a detailed budget of estimated cash inflows and outflows within a business, and incorporates both revenue and capital items.

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Q: What are the differences between full accrual modified accrual and cash budget accounting?
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What is the difference between accrual and cash accounting?

Quick Version - The Cash Basis of accounting reports only transactions that have been completed in the current reporting period - or - what has "hit" the checking account (assuming all funds are deposited and disbursed only from that account) - The Accrual Basis of accounting reports all transactions that the entity has entered into and includes the asset, liability, income and expense related them. Also, the Cash Basis of accounting is considered OCBOA (Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting ~ Other than GAAP) and the Accrual Basis (when implemented properly and fully) is considered GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). EDIT - The Accrual Basis is more desirable from a user's standpoint as it includes transactions that may exist and were completed after the report dates that were initiated prior to the report date. It is generally more complete and mopre reliable than the cash basis - however that does assume that the person preparing the statements has expertise of, not simplay a cursory working knowledge of, GAAP and the accrual basis. For example, a set of financial statements printed out of Quickbooks are not necessarily GAAP compliant (or correct) although they may appear to be at first glance or to a lay-person. =================== One can make journal entries in QuickBooks. If accruals are not entered that does not mean the system not GAAP compliant. It means the accountants are lazy. BSBA/MBA 25 years financial management experience