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There's one main difference and it's huge: An option contract gives the person who buys it the privilege of doing whatever it is the contract is written for. A futures contract imposes an obligation on the buyer. There are also liquidity requirements and requirements to pay performance bonds in futures trading that don't exist in options trading, but the real basic difference is that an options buyer can do something and a futures trader has to.

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Q: What are the differences between future and option contract?
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What is the difference between currency future and currency option?

The difference between a currency future and a currency option is the option is the amount paid is all that is at risk and with future you could lose a lot more.

Explain the difference between a call option and a long position in a futures contract?

The only difference between a long call option and a long futures position is the derivative itself--one of them is an option, the other is a futures contract.

Explain the difference between a put option and a short position in a futures contract?

Well, the first difference is the root difference between a futures contract and an option contract: in a futures contract you MUST complete the sale at the end of the contract (if you didn't buy it back before the settlement date) but in an option you CAN.Once we're past that, the short position in a futures contract--the person who has the item the contract is derived from, such as a thousand bushels of wheat--is the same as the buyer of a put. Both of them have the thing now, and will transfer title to it after settlement or exercise.

Difference between put option and call option?

The holder/purchaser/owner of a call option contract has the right to buy an asset (or call the asset away) from a writer/seller of a call option contract at the pre-determined contract or strike price. The holder/purchaser/owner of a call option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to rise during the term or duration of the call contract, for as the value of the underlying asset increases so does the value of the call option contract. Conversely, the write/seller of a call option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to remain stable or to decline. The holder/purchaser/owner of a put option contract has the right to sell an asset (or put the asset) to a writer/seller of a put option contract at the pre-determined contract or strike price. The holder/purchaser/owner of a put option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to decline during the term or duration of the put contract, for as the value of the underlying asset declines the contract value increases. Conversely, the writer/seller of a put option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to remain stable or to rise.

How do you change the price call option and put option?

Once you enter into the contract, you can't change the price.

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Stock options are a contract specifying a contract for a future purchase between two parties. The buyer has the option to buy at a future date and the seller, the obligation.

What is the difference between currency future and currency option?

The difference between a currency future and a currency option is the option is the amount paid is all that is at risk and with future you could lose a lot more.

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What are some common trends in commodity option trading?

Two common trends in commodity option trading are; 'Futures and Sell option' (buy a future contract for a certain month and sell an option contract for that same month) and 'Buy Futures and Buy Options' (buy both the future and option contracts in order to protect yourself in case one goes lower).

Explain the difference between a call option and a long position in a futures contract?

The only difference between a long call option and a long futures position is the derivative itself--one of them is an option, the other is a futures contract.

What is the deferent between future and option?

A futures (never "future") contract obligates the participants to complete the transaction. An option contract doesn't. If I bought 5000 to 7000 bushels of wheat a month, I would get one wheat futures contract (5000 bushels) and two mini wheat options (1000 bushels) - preferably one that expires on the 10th and the other on the 20th. I'd have to buy the 5000 bushels, but would only buy the rest if I needed it.

Can you have a Future on an Option on a Future?

When you're dealing in Over the Counter derivatives you can have anything you want. I can't imagine why you'd want a contract that obligates you to buy another futures contract on a date certain, though.

What is the difference between hedging and forward contracts?

A forward contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain future time for a certain price agreed today. An option is an agreement between two parties for the option to buy or sell an asset at a certain future time for a certain price agreed today. The main difference is that a forward contract has to happen while an option may or may not happen depending on the value of the asset compared to the agreed price

Explain the difference between a put option and a short position in a futures contract?

Well, the first difference is the root difference between a futures contract and an option contract: in a futures contract you MUST complete the sale at the end of the contract (if you didn't buy it back before the settlement date) but in an option you CAN.Once we're past that, the short position in a futures contract--the person who has the item the contract is derived from, such as a thousand bushels of wheat--is the same as the buyer of a put. Both of them have the thing now, and will transfer title to it after settlement or exercise.

Difference between put option and call option?

The holder/purchaser/owner of a call option contract has the right to buy an asset (or call the asset away) from a writer/seller of a call option contract at the pre-determined contract or strike price. The holder/purchaser/owner of a call option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to rise during the term or duration of the call contract, for as the value of the underlying asset increases so does the value of the call option contract. Conversely, the write/seller of a call option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to remain stable or to decline. The holder/purchaser/owner of a put option contract has the right to sell an asset (or put the asset) to a writer/seller of a put option contract at the pre-determined contract or strike price. The holder/purchaser/owner of a put option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to decline during the term or duration of the put contract, for as the value of the underlying asset declines the contract value increases. Conversely, the writer/seller of a put option contract expects the price of the underlying asset to remain stable or to rise.

What is a stock option agreement?

A stock option agreement is a contract between two parties that that allows one party to buy or sell a particular asset at an agreed upon price at a future date. Professional is usually a good way to go. That way you are sure all the details are fine tuned by someone who knows what they are doing.