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Q: What are the differences between the red coats and the militia?
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What is difference between the Red Coats and the Continental Army?

the red coats were british and fought against america

Did revere achieve what he set out to do?

actually revere got captured by the Red Coats... i believe it was Ben Franklin who was with his and some how escaped and informed the American Militia (unorginized army)

IS the Red Coat army the same as the minute men?

The British Army uniforms during the Revolutionary War included red coats, and the soldiers were called "Red Coats." Minutemen were part of the local militia, but they had additional duties, and were often more well-trained. They quickly reacted when an alarm was sounded, and were often the first soldiers on the scene.

What event did fighting erupt between the colonists and red coats?

The Boston Massacre

What were the names of the British troops in the Boston Massacre?

The Red Coats (are coming!) The Red Coats (are coming!) The Red Coats (ate coming!)

Who did the red coats fight for?

The red coats fought for England. (The king)

Who were the red coats was it loyalists or patriots?

Neither, "red coats" were British soldiers stationed in the colonies. They wore red coats as part of their daily uniform hence the moniker "red coats", or "lobster-backs".

Why were there a war between the maroons and the red coats?

because the redcoats wanted to rule the maroons

What did the red coats wear durning the American revolutionary war?

Red Coats were the soldiers sent by the British king to control the colonists, who used this term for them because their coats were red. It was the Red Coats that the Americans fought against in the Revolutionary War.

What are the difference between Spaniards and borneans?

Genetically diverging 1.5 million years ago, phenotypic differences between the two species of orangutan are apparent. Sumatran orangutans are thinner than their Bornean relatives, have paler red coats, longer hair, and longer faces.

Who won the war between the red coats and the maroons?

the maroons of course i as a Jamaican should know that

Who were the red coats in paul reveres ride?

The red coats were British soldiers.