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The different branches of Sikhism are Nirankari, Namdharis, Nihangs, Radhasoamis, and Udasis. These branches have distinct beliefs and practices, but all adhere to the teachings of Guru Nanak and the Guru Granth Sahib.

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Q: What are the different branches of Sikhism?
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Continue Learning about Religious Studies

What are the Canadian religions?

Canada is a diverse country with no official religion. The most common religious affiliations in Canada are Christianity (Roman Catholic, Protestant), Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism. Indigenous spiritual beliefs are also important to many Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Use Sikhism in a sentence?

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that originated in India in the 15th century and emphasizes the importance of equality, justice, and selfless service.

What are the different Punjabi religions?

The main religions followed by Punjabi people are Sikhism, Islam, and Hinduism. Sikhism is the most prominent in the region, with the majority of Punjabis identifying as Sikhs. Islam is also prevalent, particularly among the Punjabi Muslim community. Hinduism is practiced by a smaller portion of the population in Punjab.

Why is Sikhism different then other religions?

Sikhism is distinct because it emphasizes the concepts of equality, social justice, and service to others. It promotes the belief in one God, rejects the caste system, and encourages living a life of compassion and righteousness. Sikhism also developed unique practices such as wearing the Five Ks and congregational singing in Gurdwaras.

Which continent has the most different religions?

Asia is the continent with the most different religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and others. This diversity in religious beliefs can vary significantly by country and region within Asia.

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What are the branches of Hindu?

Buddhism, Sikhism and jainism

Why Sikhism had so much appeal?

Sikhism is a very interesting religion is you look into it. They have different beliefs and they worship their Guru's and God. Research them.

What is the god of Sikhism?

Sikhism believe in One God who is formless,eternal, ever merciful has countless qualities and is the same for all religions but is known to different religions in different ways and names.

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Buddhism, Sikhism

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Fashion designing will have different branches. There will be the designers, the seamstress and the marketing branches for example.

What makes Sikhism different from all other religions?

Sikhism is a religion exactly how any other religion is a religion.

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There are many different branches of science like Biology or Chemistry. Physics and Anatomy are also major branches of science.

What name is given to the different branches of religion?

When a religion has different branches (e.g., Christianity), they are called "sects".

What is the name of Sikhism?

It is called Sikhism.

What are the Sikhism people's religion?


How many main branches are there that study different systems?

three branches

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