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One type of carb cycling diet is a cyclic ketogenic diet. On this diet, you eat the majority of your calories from fat and very little from carbs during the week. On the weekend, you reverse this process and eat high carbohydrates and very few fats.

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Q: What are the different kinds of carb cycling diet?
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Where can I find out more about low carb diets?

For a low carb diet, I would look up a diet online. The internet has tons of information on ALL kinds of low carb diets. Maybe you can look into a full time diet plan.

What kinds of foods are involved in a low carb diet?

If you are wanting to go on a low carb diet, try looking for a low carb meal planner online. It will give you an idea of what you can eat but also give you the recipes that you would need to start your diet.

What kinds of food are banned if you are on a no carb diet?

The kind of food that is banned if you are on a no carb diet include breads, popcorn, rice, pasta, potatoes, crackers, cookies, fruit juice and potato chips.

How many types of Diet are there?

There are actually MANY different types of diets, probably to many to name, but diets are usually categorized, because diets are different from one another, example no carb diet, and a strict carb diet.

Carb Diet Plans?

The Carb Diet has been around for several decades under different names. Some of the most popular low carb diets are the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet. Most people are very aware that the Carb diet plans have caused quite a lot of controversy in the past because of the very low amounts of carbohydrates that are consumed. Still, quite a few doctors believe that a carb diet plan is best for those who are very obese.

Can you eat salmon and chicken on a no carb diet?

Yes, you can eat salmon and chicken on a 'no carb' diet.

Which was the first low carb diet?

The first low carb diet was "Banting", named after William Banting.

Are there any websites that can help me find carb lovers diet? This is a good site to start learning about the carb lovers diet, the background behind it and what it takes to make it work.

Where are some of the places that one can find a carb free diet?

Carb free diet is also known as Atkins diet. To find a carb free diet plan try "Authority Nutrition", for information. There are some good suggestions.

Can you eat raw cookie mix on a low-carb diet?

You can, but you should not if you want your low carb diet to work.

Can you eat corn on a low carb diet?

Corn is one of the high carb vegetables. I would have to say I wouldn't on a low carb diet.

What is the difference between a no carb diet and cookie diet?

The no carb diet cuts out all carbohydrates from what you can eat. The cookie diet allows you to have cookies, which are packed with carbohydrates, but not much else.