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summarize the different perspective on sexual orientation and identity.

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Q: What are the different perspectives on sexual orientation and identity?
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What are the three aspects of sexual self-definition?

Gender Identity, Gender Role, and Sexual Orientation

Why is jade egan a homo- sexual?

It is not appropriate or accurate to assume someone's sexual orientation based on their name. Sexual orientation is a personal aspect of identity that is not determined by someone's name. It is important to respect people's privacy and not make assumptions about their identity without their consent.

What is gay pride?

Gay pride is a movement of Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people pronouncing their pride in their sexuality or sexual orientation. "The movement has three main premises: that people should be proud of their sexual orientation and gender identity, that diversity is a gift, and that sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent and cannot be intentionally altered." -Wikipedia

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Jasmine's sexual orientation as a lesbian could be a result of her personal preferences and identity. Sexual orientation is a complex aspect of a person's identity and is influenced by various factors such as genetics, environment, and personal experiences. It is important to respect and support individuals for who they are regardless of their sexual orientation.

Does uncut means your gay?

No, being uncut (uncircumcised) does not determine one's sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is about who a person is attracted to, while being uncut is a physical characteristic. Sexual orientation is a separate aspect of personal identity.

What is the influence of your friends on sexuality?

Friends can influence sexuality by providing support, validation, and information about sexual experiences. Peer pressure and social norms within friend groups can impact sexual behavior and attitudes. Friends can also shape one's understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity through discussions and exposure to diverse perspectives.

Does Amazon offer its employees diversity training covering gender identity?

No. They offer diversity training covering sexual orientation, but not gender identity.

What are the difference between sex and sexuality?

Human Sexuality can be defined/determined by different things: Sex in biology, gender identity, sexual orientation, animal sexual behavior, and plant sexuality. Sex is generally the ACT of sex.

Are gays and lesbians in Michigan protected by law against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

There are no state laws in Michigan which explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. However, there is an Order which protects government employees in Michigan from employment-related discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Are gays and lesbians in Montana protected by law against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

Somewhat. Montana law prohibits employment-related discrimination against state employees on the basis of sexual orientation. Also, the City of Missoula prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Are gays and lesbians in Ohio protected by law against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

There are no state laws in Ohio which explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. However, there is an Order which protects government employees in Ohio from employment-related discrimination on the bases of sexual orientation and gender identity.

What is Yuya Tegoshi's Sexual identity?

Yuya Tegoshi, a former member of the Japanese boyband NEWS, has not publicly disclosed his sexual orientation or identity. It is important to respect his privacy and allow him to share this information if and when he is ready.