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more expensive, not all the money goes to the producers e.g transport, pollution will be caused in the transportation of the products.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of buying fairtrade?
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How you can help fairtrade?

by buying fairtrade products

How can fairtrade help?

by buying fairtrade products

What are the disadvantages for fairtrade?

we usually have to pay more money than the other products in that range.

What are the disadvantages of fairtrade?

Can't think of any for the workers, but for us, the products are more expensive.

What are the disadvantages to changing to fairtrade school uniforms?

this is means,,, another financial problem especially in poor family.

Why don't people buy fair trade products?

Because they don't fully understand the importance of buying fairtrade, and also fairtrade products are usually more expensive than other ones.

What is good about fairtrade?

t's so easy - you can buy online or in your local stores. Look for the FAIRTRADE Mark Fair Trade tackles poverty by opening up international markets to producers who would not normally get a chance to sell their goods globally The price of Fairtrade goods covers the local producers' costs, plus a premium to reinvest in their business and their community Workers and farmers decide themselves how their Fairtrade premium will be invested Fairtrade empowers the producers and their workers and increases their knowledge of international trade. Fairtrade farmers are encouraged and given incentives to grow organically to protect their environment By buying Fairtrade goods, consumers are showing they care about producers and not just about prices Fair Trade challenges all producers to move away from unsustainably low commodity prices and unethical sourcing Buying Fairtrade sends a loud message to governments that normal people want justice in all forms of trading Fairtrade is trustworthy. The FAIRTRADE Mark guarantees that producers in developing countries are getting a better deal

What is fairtrade fortnight?

fairtrade fortnight is a two week celebration for fairtrade

What are the disadvantages to buying used Subaru imprezas?

The disadvantages to buying used Subaru Imprezas are that buying parts can be expensive as they are usually only available at Subaru dealerships and they are not very economical on fuel.

How do you support fairtrade?

buy fairtrade

Who uses Fairtrade?

anyone can use fairtrade

What can you do to support fairtrade?

Buy Fairtrade food such as coffee, tea and bananas and always give Fairtrade Gifts when you can.