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Some say you may feel pressured into becoming a homosexual because there is nobody of the other sex around you, and you might feel lonely and not know anyone of the other gender. Of course, sexual orientation seems to be a fixed quality within most people, so being exposed to members of the same sex most likely won't push you to become gay unless you already have some tendencies in that direction.

The disadvantages stated by the ACLU are among the following:

1. A lack of insights from students of the other sex. If boys and girls think differently and do things differently like the proponents of single-sex education claim, then wouldn't it be good to get to learn from those differences? Couldn't the focus of the studies get quite narrow if there aren't people with different views, insights, ways of life, and ways of doing things?

2. The reinforcement of stereotypes. With a single gender, gender stereotypes are likely to go unchecked.

3. Perhaps less insights into the real world. In the real world, there are supposedly guy ways of doing things, and girl ways of doing things, and to be exposed to just one or another could be traumatic when you are finally exposed to traits of the other sex - assuming such traits exist. Learning about dating would have to be put off until after one is an adult under the law.

4. Possibly getting assigned to a classroom other than what is most suitable for you. That could be a living nightmare for you. What if you need more roughness, competition, and activity than other girls or more cooperation, neatness, beauty, quiet, privacy, and indoor time than other boys? What if the things that make you feel the best about yourself and make it easiest to learn are denied? A masculine girl or a feminine boy is not likely to change and keep their sense of self and self-esteem intact. So why can't they be trained according to what is closest to the nature they already have? Why would they have to be taught in ways that don't work for them and stunted in their education until they are free to adopt the other identity and start to learn certain things when it is way too late for them?

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2w ago

Some disadvantages of single-sex schools may include limited exposure to diverse perspectives, reduced opportunities for social interaction with the opposite sex, and reinforcement of gender stereotypes. Additionally, single-sex schools may not fully prepare students for coeducational environments they may encounter in college or the workforce.

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Are single sex schools better than coed schools?


Why is single sex schools better than coed?

yes, single-sex schools are better than co-ed because it helps you to concentrate on your studies and not on the opposite sex

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The percentage of people who go to single sex schools and turn out to be either gay or bi-sexual is 21.67%.

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Single-sex schools should only be banned if they perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes or limit educational opportunities for students. Otherwise, some argue that single-sex schools can offer unique learning environments that cater to the specific needs of students. The decision to ban single-sex schools should be based on whether they promote equality and provide a well-rounded education for all students.

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Do you think there should be single-sex schools?

There are many single sex schools and they are even successful. There is no overall harm in such schools. Some families parents educate their daughters only in girls school so there is certainly a need for such schools. Obviously, you always have a choice to enroll as coed.

Are there single sex schools in Ireland?

Yes, there are all girls schools and all boys schools. But of course their are mixed ones too.

Do single sex schools have socials on the weekend with the opposite sex?

Whenever they are not in school they have could socials with the opposite sex, unless it's a boarding school.

What is the advantages of single sex school?

Single sex schools such as boarding schools eliminate the social interaction leading to a sexual relationship that deviates time from studying. One sacrifices potential romantic endeavors for a more strict and thorough education.