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You only get energy while the sun is shining.

You get fairly little energy for each unit of surface area, so to get useful amounts you need big collectors.

If you want to get electricity from the sun, the solar cells are quite expensive.

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Some disadvantages of using solar energy include the initial high installation cost, intermittency of sunlight depending on location and weather, and the requirement of a large amount of space for solar panels. Additionally, solar panels have a limited lifespan and may require periodic maintenance.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of using this solar energy?
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What are the disadvantages for using solar energy to generate electricity?

Some disadvantages of using solar energy include the high initial installation cost, intermittent energy production depending on weather conditions, and the need for storage systems to store energy for use when the sun is not shining. Additionally, solar panels require a significant amount of space, which may not be feasible for all locations.

What are the main two disadvantages of solar energy?

The main disadvantages of solar energy are intermittency, as solar power generation is dependent on sunlight availability, and high upfront costs for installation and equipment.

What type of energy is solar energy converted to?

Solar energy is converted into electrical energy through the use of solar panels, which capture sunlight and convert it into electricity using photovoltaic cells.

What are the disadvantages of Sun Energy?

Some disadvantages of solar energy include its intermittent nature (dependent on weather conditions), the need for large surface areas to generate significant power, and the initial high cost of installation. Additionally, solar energy production can be impacted by geographic location and the efficiency of solar panels.

What are the disadvantages of using the suns energy directly?

Some disadvantages of using the sun's energy directly include variability in sunlight availability, limited energy production during nighttime or cloudy days, and the need for storage solutions to mitigate intermittent supply. Additionally, solar panels require significant space for installation, which may not be feasible in densely populated areas.

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Solar energy is not available when the day is cloudy.Wind energy is not available when wind is not blowing.

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What are some disadvantages about using solar energy?

Some disadvantages of using solar energy include the high initial cost of installing solar panels, the intermittent nature of sunlight depending on weather conditions, and the need for large amounts of space for solar panel arrays in order to generate significant amounts of electricity.

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The disadvantages of heat are that if there is no solar energy, then there is no heat.

What are some disadvantages of using hydro-electricity and solar energy?

Not many disadvantages. They are both reliant on continuous supply, so hydro power won't work without rain, and solar energy won't work if the sun doesn't shine.

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disadvantages of solar energy opposed to fossil fuel?

What are the advantages and drawbacks of using solar energy?

Advantages of using solar energy are pollution-free, noise-free, on installation it produces free energy, clean and renewable. Disadvantages include high cost, energy dependent on sunlight exposure, power stations are expensive to build and devices powered by solar energy cannot be used at night.

What are the disadvantages and disadvantages for solar energy?

it is environment friendly. But, the solar cells need service and repair time to time

What energy do you get from the solar system?

That depends on what you are using to capture energy, if you are using solar panels to get it, then you are converting solar energy into electrical energy.

What are the disadvantages for using solar energy to generate electricity?

Some disadvantages of using solar energy include the high initial installation cost, intermittent energy production depending on weather conditions, and the need for storage systems to store energy for use when the sun is not shining. Additionally, solar panels require a significant amount of space, which may not be feasible for all locations.

What are the bad thnigs about solar energy?

Disadvantages: May not produce enough energy to run appliances, solar radiation

What are the main two disadvantages of solar energy?

The main disadvantages of solar energy are intermittency, as solar power generation is dependent on sunlight availability, and high upfront costs for installation and equipment.