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Information technology helps business administrators be more efficient with their time and resources.

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Q: What are the effects of information technology to a business administrator?
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Role of information technology in a 21st century business organization?

information technology has emerged as the fundamental technology of business. information system has brought revolution in business. The barrier to communication has been over come to a great extent time and distance has been conquered to a great extent by the system. Technology is an enabler for more effectively managing the business, but does not solve the problem unless it is tied directly to business and governance objectives. There is an urgent need for IT in underdeveloped areas where access to even the smallest bits of knowledge can have far-reaching, long term effects Management Information system will help understand how all firms today, large and small, local and global, use information systems to achieve important business objectives, such as operational efficiency, customer and supplier intimacy, better decision making and new products and services. Data management .By using databases and data tools you can spot trends and make business decisions. Humanity has progressed from agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution and is now moving to an information revolution.

How can technology effect scientific research?

Technology effects scientific research because it allows the scientist to better information about what he/she is testing. Hope that helped.

Negative impact of information technology?

Information technology has negatively impacted society. These negative effects include: the invasion of privacy, less employment and digital socialization which reduces personal interactions.

What are positive and negative effects of recording technology?

smaller, more efficient able to obtain private information.

What are some beneficial effects of technology?

The Term Technology is derived from the Greek Word "Technologia" and techne" means "craft" and "logia" means the "study of something". Some Beneficial Effects of Technology in some fields like: 1. Business 2. Communication 3. Education 4. Health Care 5.Society

What are negative effects of technology for business?

One is cost and another is problems do arise now and again - this can stop you from doing certain tasks until it is fixed so it is a negative for essential business.

Effects of science and technology on society?

Science and technology have put their advantageous as well as disadvantageous effects on society.

What are the positive and negative effects of information technology on society?

Positive effects of information technology on society include increased connectivity, access to information, and efficiency in various sectors. However, negative effects can include privacy concerns, job displacement due to automation, and potential social isolation from increased reliance on technology for communication.

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What are the effects of MIS on business?

Management information systems help the organization run. Managers can see exactly what is going on in each organization using an effective information system.