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The book Environmental Science by Tyler Miller has a great deal of answers for the above question and many more. I think you should have a look at it.

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solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to the spread of Infectious Diseases.

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Q: What are the effects of solid wastes on the environment?
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There are some solid wastes that are not hazardous waste True or False?

True. Not all solid wastes are hazardous. Solid wastes can include items like paper, plastic, glass, and food scraps that may not pose a significant risk to human health or the environment.

What is toxic wastes?

Non toxic wastes are wastes that do not pose a serious threat to the environment or animals if decomposed carefully. Some of the solid wastes are generated due to domestic activities such as food leftovers ,fruit and vegetable peelings, bits of paper and other rubbish often stored in dustbins .The waste produced by shops, offices, restaurants and schools do not pose a serious threat to the animals, plants or to the environment. Such wastes are called nontoxic wastes.

What are the causes of solid wastes?

example of solid waste

When was National Solid Wastes Management Association created?

National Solid Wastes Management Association was created in 1962.

What is non toxic waste?

Non toxic wastes are wastes that do not pose a serious threat to the environment or animals if decomposed carefully. Some of the solid wastes are generated due to domestic activities such as food leftovers ,fruit and vegetable peelings, bits of paper and other rubbish often stored in dustbins .The waste produced by shops, offices, restaurants and schools do not pose a serious threat to the animals, plants or to the environment. Such wastes are called nontoxic wastes.

What are the Gas liquid and solid wastes that come from industrial plants?

toxic wastes

What are the harmful effects on environment of bio medical wastes?

Bio medical waste is infectious in nature.It contain micro organisms which can spread on environment and healthy people can also come in the contact of disease

What are solid wastes?

solid waste is the more common word for garbage.

Wastes are solid liquid or gas wastes that are toxic flammable corrosive reactive or radioactive.?


What wastes are solid liquid or gas wastes that are toxic flammable corrosive reactive or radioactive?


How do plants get rid of solid wastes?

Most plants do not have solid wastes. Only those plants that eat insects have solid wastes. The venus fly trap and sundew let the rotted bodies of insects fly away in the wind when they open up. In the pitcher plant, the rotted bodies decompose in the bottom of the water trap. Plants that do not eat insects do not have any solid wastes to get rid of. They get their nutrients from the soil with their roots, they also take in water, and take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. They do not have solid wastes.

What are solid waste and hazardous wastes?

Solid wastes are defined as any type of municipal or industrial waste that needs to be disposed of. Hazardous wastes are defined by characteristic codes and listed ingredients that make up the substance to be disposed of.