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One way that many find helpful is creating mnemonics. A mnemonic works by associating whatever you're trying to learn with something that's already easy to remember. For example, the sentence "Every good bird does fly" is a mnemonic for the lines on the treble clef: EGBDF. On their own, they're relatively meaningless letters, but when they're associated with a meaningful sentence, they're much easier to remember. Another mnemonic is the word "Fast"--it describes things to check for in the case of a stroke (Facial droop, Arm drift, Slurred speech, Time).

Another thing that helps is to repeat what you're trying to memorize over and over, or write it over and over a line at a time until it's memorized. It can be particularly useful to do these things before bed, as "sleeping on it" can actually help you to remember.

Another method some people use is creating a visual image in their head of the item they're trying to remember. For instance, if you were trying to remember a grocery list, you would number the items on your list. Then, for each number, you would think of something you could easily remember visually; for instance, the number 1 looks like a candle stick, so a candle would be a good visual image for the number 1. Then, you'd create a picture in your head involving the number and whatever item is first on your list--the stranger, the better, because unusual things are easier to remember. Let's say the first item was milk. You could picture a farmer trying to milk a cow by candlelight and tripping, spilling the milk. Or you could imagine using milk to put out a candle because the faucets are suddenly running milk. Whatever comes to mind that you'll be able to remember later.

The best way to memorize a list of facts - vocabulary words, math facts, dates, or anything at all! - is to make a set of flash cards. Write each term onto a card, and write the definition or answer on the back of that card. Keep these cards with you at all times! Any time you have a few minutes of free time, take out your cards and study. Read the first card - if you know the answer, then put that card at the back of the stack and turn it upside down; if you don't know the answer, read the answer a couple of times and then stick that card back into the middle of the stack so that you will have to try it again later. When you get all the cards turned upside down, you have learned that material!

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14y ago
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11y ago

Here are the two most common ways to remember things:

  • Repetition - studies show that most people need to think and repeat something at least 20 times to remember it
  • Mnemonic Devices - memory "tricks" that associate new information with familiar things
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15y ago

Apparently, eating the recommended serving of vegetables each day throughout your life makes you have better memory as you age. But, if you aren't aging quite yet, sleep is an amazing memory aid. It is a good idea to get the ideal 7-9 hours of sleep a night though, because your brain begins to organize and memorize what happened the day before during the last two hours of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, it will be hard to remember what happened the day before. (Which would be extremely bad if you studied for a test all day the day before, and then didn't get enough sleep and couldn't remember any of the material.)

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11y ago

When a new friend is introduced to you and you have trouble remembering their name, use it in your conversations with them, like, "Hey, Dat. Can you get that for me?"

To remember where you put something down, pay attention to where you put it. When you put an item down, remind yourself, "I'm putting this key next to my dog," (although you probably wouldn't do that) so you might remember more easily later on (unless your dog brings your key to you when you're looking for it).

If there's an item that you often pick up and put down, make it a habit to set it in a particular location, so you'll only have one place to look later on when you need to pick it up again.

To recall your to-do list, write it down, literally. Or, use a mnemonic device. For example, to remember your grocery list: milk, eggs, tomatoes, and soda, just try to remember "METS."

If you have a pile of papers that you need to read or an item that needs attention later, put something unusual on/next to it, like a shoe. You'll remember to do your paperwork if you notice a shoe on top of it later on when you come back into the room an hour later.

If you forget a name, such as that of a movie, recite the alphabet. When you get to H, you might remember that the name of the movie you're daydreaming about is "Hunger Games."

To memorize a text, read, type, say, and hear it. Familiarize yourself with your movie script to remember it efficiently. Be in a quiet room when you study to avoid distractions.

To remember a password, like 2149, mentally turn the characters into pictures. Remember the image of a swan (2) using a pencil (1) to draw a sailboat (4) and a lock (9).

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11y ago

Any cerebral activity that constitutes Contemplation - Aristotle said that Contemplation is the highest form of Activity - nothing much ever got done without it.

This is at best a partial Answer. On the other hand probably all of the other health factors [general and otherwise] are boosted in effect, and then affect, through proper and simple Nutrition - Greens, Onions & Garlic, Mushrooms, Beans and Berries, and Seeds and Nuts.

Brainfood = Phospho-lipids = Peanuts.

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13y ago

i have heard that fish is good for your brain..

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3y ago

The answer is D. Forming mental pictures as you read

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