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The temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid is freezing point and when a solid is turned into a gas it is called sublimation. For a liquid to freeze the attractions between the particles must overcome their motion.


  • Freezing; a liquid to a solid.
  • Sublimation; when a solid becomes a gas.
  • About Particles; they must overcome their motion
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10y ago
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9y ago

When a liquid is heated to the point of vaporization, this is known as boiling. At the boiling point, particles become excited and collide with one another. The ensuing energy created causes vaporization of the liquid.

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13y ago

Sublimation is the change from solid to gas without going through the liquid phase.

In the solid phase (such as ice) the particles are bonded to each other, in the gas phase the particles are not tightly bound to each other (such as water vapor).

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10y ago

Freezing is a change of state because it is going from a liquid to a solid. In a solid state the particles move slowly, in a liquid state the particles move a little bit more, and in a gaseous state the particles move fast.

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13y ago

Because it wanys to gewt to the other side..lolss..haha idk

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6y ago

Changes of state are: melting, freezing, boiling, condensation, sublimation, deposition

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