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Factors affecting dissolution:

1. the nature of solute/solvent (chemical composition, polarity)

2. temperature

3. pressure

4. stirring

5. surface area of the solute

6. some added compounds

7. amount of the solute

8. the geometry of the beaker

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11y ago
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3mo ago

The four factors that affect the rate of dissolution are temperature, surface area, agitation or stirring, and the nature of the solvent and solute. Temperature generally increases the rate of dissolution by providing more energy, while increasing the surface area of the solute, agitation, and using solvents that are compatible with the solute can also enhance dissolution rates.

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12y ago

1. Heating/Temperature Increase 2. Stirring 3. Size of the Particle 4. Pressure 5. Polarity

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12y ago

factors affecting solubility is the way we stir it... lolx..

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14y ago

mga putang ina nio mga gago mag basa nito tang ina mo! pek pek ng nanay nio may hika tarantado

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Q: What are the four factors that affect the rate of dissolution?
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What 4 things affect how fast a substance dissolve?

The four factors that affect how fast a substance dissolves are: particle size (smaller particles dissolve faster), temperature (higher temperatures increase dissolution rate), agitation (stirring or shaking speeds up dissolution), and surface area (larger surface area enhances dissolution).

What are the factors that may affect the rate at which the salt dissolves in water?

Factors that may affect the rate at which salt dissolves in water include temperature (higher temperatures generally increase the rate of dissolution), agitation or stirring of the solution (increases contact between salt and water molecules), surface area of the salt particles (finely ground salt dissolves faster), and the concentration of the salt solution (higher concentrations may slow down the dissolution rate).

What would INCREASE the rate of dissolution but not affect the solubility of salt in water stirring or heating it?

Stirring and heating improve the rate of dissolution and not affect the measured solubility at a given temperature.But I mention that the solubilty of solids is increased when the temperature increase.

What fractors affect the rate at which a substance dissolves?

Factors that affect the rate at which a substance dissolves include temperature (higher temperatures usually increase the rate of dissolution), surface area (smaller particles dissolve faster), agitation (stirring or shaking the solution speeds up the process), and the presence of a solubility-enhancing solvent.

What are the 5 factors that can affect the rate of chemical reactions?

5 factors that can affect the rate of chemical reactions are temperature, pressure, concentration, stirring, catalysts.

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The four factors that affect how fast a substance dissolves are: particle size (smaller particles dissolve faster), temperature (higher temperatures increase dissolution rate), agitation (stirring or shaking speeds up dissolution), and surface area (larger surface area enhances dissolution).

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Broken the crystal in small parts; dissolution in water is easy.Factors which affect the rate of dissolution: temperature and stirring.

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Factors that may affect the rate at which salt dissolves in water include temperature (higher temperatures generally increase the rate of dissolution), agitation or stirring of the solution (increases contact between salt and water molecules), surface area of the salt particles (finely ground salt dissolves faster), and the concentration of the salt solution (higher concentrations may slow down the dissolution rate).

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Does stirring affect the rate of dissolving?

Yes, in fact stirring does increase the rate of dissolving [or dissolution] of solids.

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Yes; the dissolution rate is increased when a substance is as small particles.

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Increasing the temperature of a solid generally increases the rate of dissolution due to higher kinetic energy, causing more collisions between solvent molecules and the solid. However, factors like solubility, surface area, and stirring can also affect the rate of dissolution.

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Stirring and heating improve the rate of dissolution and not affect the measured solubility at a given temperature.But I mention that the solubilty of solids is increased when the temperature increase.

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Factors that affect the rate at which a substance dissolves include temperature (higher temperatures usually increase the rate of dissolution), surface area (smaller particles dissolve faster), agitation (stirring or shaking the solution speeds up the process), and the presence of a solubility-enhancing solvent.

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