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There is upper motor neuron in spinal cord. There is lower motor neuron in the spinal nerve.

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13y ago

Your nerves feel anything from pain to temperature. Your spinal cord acts as a highway to your brain that tells it what your nerves feel. Your spinal cord isn't really meant to feel things.

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11y ago

The brain is the control, while the spinal cord is the carrier of messages sent from the brain to the lower body.

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Q: How are the functions of the brain and spinal cord different?
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How does the spinal cord carry functions out on a daily basis?

the spinal cord is connected to your brain. When you move their is a message to your brain to move.

What are the main functions of the spinal column?

The spinal cord sends messages to the brain,if we didn't have a spinal cord we couldn't do anything

What are two functions of the CSF?

The functions of the spinal fluid are to cushion or protect the brain from any trauma, provide the necessary nutrients and chemicals to nervous system tissue, and the removal of waste product from the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid is a colorless fluid found in the brain and spinal cord.

What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid and the meninges of the brain?

it is a colourless, hydraulic cushion found within the ventricles of the brain, subarachnoid space around brain and spinal cord. functions: it acts as a shock absorber to protect the brain and spinal cord. it supplies nutrition to the brain and spinal cord. it removes waste products from the brain and spinal cord. it protects the brain and spinal cord from diseases causing organisms.

The brain and spinal cord collectivly?

The brain and spinal cord are collectively called the Central Nervous Sytem which controls all most of the body's functions including movement.

What is the functions of cerebration fluid?

cerebral spinal fluid cushions, protects and nourishes the brain and spinal cord.

What functions as a bridge to interconnect messages between the spinal cord and brain?

The pons

What is the spinal cord linked to?

The spinal cord is the main pathway for information connecting the brain and peripheral nervous system. The human spinal cord is protected by the bony spinal column. The bodies nervous system passes information for the bodies functions from the brain through the spinal cord via a massive network of nerves

The brain is superior to the spinal cord?

The brain is superior to the spinal cord.

What connects the brain to the spinal cord and takes care of basic involuntary functions?


What are the functions of the nervous sytem?

the brain,spinal cord and the nerves...hope this wuld help

What bone connects the spinal cord to the brain?

There is no joint between brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord is a mass of neurones that is situated in the backbone which feeds in to the brain via neurones.