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Q: What are the genetic differences between bacteria cells and human body cells?
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What are the differences between bacteria cells and plant cells?

bacteria cells are a simpler way of saying prokaryotic. ( there the exact same thing.)

What is the form of genetic exchange in bacteria that involves contact between two cells?

This is the exchange of plasmids between the cells.

Differences between bacterial cells and yeast cells?

bacteria cell doesn't have a nucleus

What are the differences between bacteria and cells?

Bacteria are unicellular organisms, which is to say, a bacterium is a cell. Bacteria differ from the cells of multicellular organisms in that they are generally much smaller and less specialized.

Do bacteria genetic material change?

Bacteria cells have their own genetic material.

What are thick walled cells in which bacteria store genetic material called?

Bacteria are surrounded by endospheres which contain genetic material and keeps the bacteria safe until conditions are right for it to live again.

What happens to the bacteria when it is blended with white blood cells?

The genetic material from the bacteria will get transfered into the white blood cell and more bacteria will be produced.

What are the major differences between bacteria and eukaryotic cells.?

man this stuff is hard, but try it first if it don't make any sense then leave it.

What is a plasmid exchange?

Plasmid Exchange is the transfer of genetic material between bacteria through direct cell to cell contact, or through a bridge-like connection between the two cells.

Why does lysogenic bacteriophage contribute to bacterial virulence?

The genetic material of the phage can be passed on to future generations of cells.

What are the differences between human cells bacteria and viruses?

Simply put. Human cells are more complex eukaryotic cells with a membrane bound nucleus and many membrane bound organelles. Such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi body and lysosomes to name a few organelles. Bacterial cells are less complex prokaryotic cells with few organelles and no nucleus, just diffuse genetic material in a nucleoid region. Also having cell walls. Viruses are quite simple non-living collections of genetic material and protein coats. They prey on both bacteria and humans as parasites needing our reproductive mechanisms to reproduce themselves.

Which cell is not a eukaryotes Plant cell animal cell Bacteria cell or trees cell?

Tree cells and plant cells are similar, and animal cells differ from the other three (tree, plant, and bacteria). Bacteria are characterized by having round DNA instead of linear DNA. Round DNA is a characteristic of prokaryotic cells and not eukaryotic cells. Thus, bacteria is not a eukaryote. (Note: there are many more differences between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells such as size, organelles....)