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Q: What are the gradual changes in the properties across the row called?
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What happens to the properties of elements across any periodic of the table?

Across any period, the properties of elements gradually change. This gradual change is called a periodic trend.

Is the study of properties of matter and how matter changes?

The study of properties of matter and how it changes is called chemistry.

Changes in properties of matter are called?

physical or chemical changes

Properties that change when the size of an object changes are called?

Are physical properties.

What is it called when water changes to vapor?

When water changes to vapor, it is either evaporation, if the process is gradual, or it is boiling, if the process is accelerated by heat.

What is the study of matter and the properties of matter?

The study of properties of matter and how it changes is called chemistry.

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What process often begins by a portion of a population becoming physically or geographically separated?

Those properties of a substance that describe how it changes while being converted into a different substance?

These are called Chemical Properties.

Those properties of a substance that describe how it changes while being converted into a different substances?

These are called Chemical Properties.

What is the gradual change in a species over time is called?

Adaptation is when a species is able to change over time to new changes in their environment.

What is it called when matter changes into new matter with completely new properties?

Chemical change. 99.9% sure.

When a substance change and still retains its original properties the change is called what?

When a substance changes but still retains its original properties, the change is called a physical change. If it didn't retain its original properties, then it went through a chemical change.