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Paramecium aurelia can be harmful as it competes with other organisms for resources in aquatic ecosystems, potentially affecting biodiversity. However, they can also be useful as bioindicators for water quality, helping to assess environmental health and pollutant levels.

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Q: What are the harmful and useful effects of Paramecium Aurelia?
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Is bacteria harmful or useful?

Bacteria can be both harmful and useful. Harmful bacteria can cause infections and diseases, while useful bacteria play important roles in processes such as food fermentation, digestion, and nutrient recycling in the environment. The vast majority of bacteria are harmless or even beneficial to humans and the environment.

What are the 10 uses and 10 harmful effects of microorganisms in your daily life?

1-Microorganisms helps us in making alchol. 2- Microorganisms helps us in bakery. 3-Microorganisms us in making medicines. 4-Microorganisms us in making curd. 5- Microorganisms fix atmospheric nitrogen ( NO2 ) to the soil. 6- Microorganisms helps us in resarching on diseases. 7- Microorganisms replinsh the soil.

What types of fungi are harmful and what types are useful?

Harmful fungi include pathogens that cause diseases in plants, animals, and humans, such as Aspergillus, Candida, and Fusarium. Useful fungi include those used in food production (e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae for bread and beer), medicine (e.g. Penicillium for antibiotics), and environmental applications (e.g. mycorrhizal fungi for plant growth).

Are there anymore useful plants beside pandan leaves?

Yes, there are many useful plants besides pandan leaves. Some examples include aloe vera for its healing properties, lavender for its calming effects, and mint for its digestive benefits. Each plant has unique characteristics and uses.

What living things is harmful to us?

Some examples of living things that can be harmful to humans include certain insects like mosquitoes and ticks that can transmit diseases, venomous snakes, toxic plants, and certain bacteria or viruses that can cause illness. It's important to be aware of potential dangers and take precautions to reduce risk of harm.

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Useful effects of electrolytes include maintaining proper hydration and fluid balance, supporting nerve and muscle function, and regulating blood pressure. Harmful effects can occur if there is an imbalance of electrolytes, leading to symptoms such as muscle cramps, weakness, irregular heartbeat, and confusion.

What group does the paramecium belong to?

Domain:EukaryoteKingdom:ProtistaPhylum:CiliophoraClass:CiliateOrder:PeniculidFamily:ParameciidaeGenus:ParameciumWikipedia -- very useful

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The changes talking place in our surroundings and which are useful to us are called Useful changes. The changes which are not useful but harmful are called Harmful changes

Is an indigestion tablet harmful to human beings?

Generally indigestion tablets are not harmful but useful. But excess of use or some other health problems of some individuals can lead to harmful effects. See the link below.

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no useful effects