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•An increase in the trapped heat will:

-Change and alter weather patterns

•Which in turn will:

-Result in some living things not being able to adapt to these changes which will hasten species extinction

-Influence length of seasons

-Lead to more, frequent and intense storms

-More rain, followed by longer and drier droughts, which will challenge the growth of crops.

-Ice sheets will melt which will potentially raise sea levels significantly and cause coastal flooding

A:the sea levels will rise up and so half of the countries in this world will disappear. Also the climate change will bring us huge storms and other natural disasters. The artic ice will melt and many of the animals living there will be extinct.
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Q: What are the harmful effects of global warming on humans?
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It is indirectly harmful to use because it is a greenhouse which causes global warming. This will cause the effects of global warming (e.g. ice caps in the North pole will melt, causing a rise in sea levels and the subsequent flooding of low-lying countries such as the Netherlands).

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humans cause global warming and pollution

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No. Humans are the reason for Global Warming! Humans in big rich countries!

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Global warming and the humans abandoned it because of global warming. Global warming

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Humans are contributing to global warming (by burning fossil fuel and cutting down forests) and global warming is CAUSING climate change.

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There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

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Humans have caused it. -.-

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No, sunscreen is a very poor analogy for global warming.

How are humans destroying antarctica?

Global Warming

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global warming and humans..........I think ...........???

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Mainly its the amount of pollution and the number of animals dying because of the global warming that is caused by humans.