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Q: What are the impact of monetary policy on the performance of commercial bank in Nigeria?
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The impact of small scale business in nigeria economic are much to the extend that a word can not describe it no matter how you want to classify it.The impact has created a lot of business to nigeria system, for instance, MTN Nigeria has contributed and invested much into the economy.

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Teachers' strikes in Nigeria can have a negative impact on students' general performance as the disruption in regular classroom activities can lead to missed lessons and delays in the academic calendar. This can result in gaps in learning, decreased motivation, and increased stress for students, ultimately affecting their overall academic achievement.

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A teachers' strike in Nigeria can have a negative impact on students' general performance as it disrupts their learning schedule and access to quality education. Students may experience gaps in their educational progress, leading to lower academic achievement and performance levels. Additionally, the lack of teacher support and guidance during a strike can hinder students' ability to grasp new concepts and skills effectively.

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