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The iris and the ciliary muscle

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Q: What are the intrinsic eye muscles controlled by?
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What kind of Eye muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

intrinsic eye muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system

What extrinsic eye muscles are controlled during the convergence reflex?

The voluntary muscles of the eye is the extrinsic eye muscle that are controlled during the convergence reflex. The convergence reflex is keen on keeping the eye alert.

How do extrinsic eye muscles differ in action from the instrintic eye muscles?

Extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeball in relation to the rest of the body, whereas intrinsic muscles move structures within the eyeball.A: The extrinsic muscles control the movement of the eyes.The extrinsic muscles are controlled by the somatic nervous system(voluntary) The intrinsicmuscles control the lens and pupil. The intrinsiceye muscles, (including the iris sphincter, radial pupilodilator muscles and the ciliarymuscle), are under the control of the autonomic nervous system(involuntary)

What are the six intrinsic eye muscles?

The intrinsic muscles of the eye are the dilator (radial), the sphincter pupillae (circular) constrictor muscle and the ciliary muscle. The iris contains the dilator pupillae and the constrictor pupillae with antagonist effects on the diameter of the pupil. The ciliary muscle is a smooth muscle that, when contracted relaxes the suspensory ligament of the lens. Contraction of this muscle is part of the accommodation reflex and under the control of parasympathetic fibers that travel with cranial nerve 3.

Which of the external eye muscles is controlled by cranial nerve VI?

lateral rectus

Why is it more of a strain on the intrinsic and extrinsic eye muscle to look at the close objects than at far objects?

extrinsic muscles are strained

Are most cardiac muscles controlled directly by the nervous system?

No, most cardiac muscles are not directly controlled by the nervous system. The cardiac muscles have their own intrinsic pacemaker called the sinoatrial (SA) node that generates electrical impulses and coordinates the contraction of the heart. While the nervous system can influence the rate and strength of the heart's contractions, it does not have direct control over the cardiac muscles.

Why is there less precise control over leg muscles over eye muscles?

many muscle fibers are controlled by a single motor neuron

What are deep muscles?

The deep muscles of the human body are generally called intrinsic muscles. The muscles that are closer to the skin are called superficial muscles.

What controls your eye muscles?

Your eye muscles are controlled ultimately by your brain, so when you think "look over there" ... the muscles move your eyes to look. Obviously the thought doesn't have to be a conscious decision though. It is lightning fast... as soon as you think that you want to look someplace, you do.

What is intrinsic sphincter deficiency?

the sphincter muscles are unable to keep the bladder closed (intrinsic sphincter deficiency, ISD).

What are deep muscles called?

The deep muscles of the human body are generally called intrinsic muscles. The muscles that are closer to the skin are called superficial muscles.