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Q: What are the ionic compounds and their uses?
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What are the examples of ionic compounds and their uses?

Ionic compounds are also called salts. An example of their uses is sodium chloride (Na+Cl-), which is used in the kitchen (it is normal salt as we know it).

What are 3 uses of ionic compounds?

It is used to make table salt.

Give the properties of ionic compounds?

There is one very important property of ionic compounds. Ionic compounds are compounds that will conduct electricity when dissolved in water.

Ionic compounds often have higher melting point than metals. Using at least 2 properties of ionic compounds explain why is cookware not made from ionic compounds?

1) Ionic compounds are not good heat conductors 2) Ionic compounds are not malleable

What is the ionic charge of chlorine in its compounds?

In ionic chlorine compounds, the ionic charge of chlorine is -1.

Common substances that form ionic compounds?

substances such as sodium and chlorine for ionic compounds basically it is neutral elements that form ionic compounds

How can molecular compounds be distinguished from ionic compounds?

Many ionic compounds exist as crystals but covalent compounds as molecules (there are exceptions as diamond though). Ionic compounds would be good electrical conductors unlike molecular compounds.

Does iron and chlorine make ionic compounds?

Yes they can form ionic compounds

What do you call compounds that have been formed through ionic bonding?

Ionic compounds.

Are ionic compounds metal?

Ionic compounds are not meatals: salts, acids, bases.

Most ionic compounds Are?

At room temperature, most ionic compounds are solids.

What is the difference between ionic and molecular compound?

Ionic compounds contain ionic compounds whereas molecular compounds contain covalent bonds in their molecules.