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1 photoelectric current is propotional to the intensity of incident light

2 for a given material their exist a certain minimun frequency of light so that photoelectron can be ejected 4m metal surface.

3 the rate at which electron r emitted 4m a photo cathode i impedent of its temp.

4 time tag bet. the incident radiations and the emission of electron is less than 10 to power (-ve) 8.

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13y ago
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2w ago

The laws of photoelectric effect are:

  • The photoelectric effect is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light.
  • The kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident light.
  • There is a threshold frequency below which no electrons are emitted, regardless of the intensity of the light.
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14y ago

The laws of radiation are:

1. Kirchoff's law of radiation : It states that good absorbers are good radiators.Mathematically, the ratio of spectral emissivity to the absorption power for the given wavelength is same for all bodies.

2. Prevost's law : Prevosts law of exchange states that

(a)Each body emits out energy at each temperature.

(b)The radiated amount of energy depends on the nature of body and its temperature.

3. Stefan's Boltzman law : The law states, "the total amount of energy radiated by the unit area in one second by a body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

4.Newton's cooling law : It states that if the temperature difference between the body & its surrounding is not very large , the rate of heat loss by the body is directly proportional to the difference in temperature of the body from its surroundings.

5. Wien's law : It describes the character of energy distribution law of black body for two absolute temperatures.

6. Planck's law : The black body spectrum was explained by Planck by his quantum theory given in 1900, according to which energy is emitted or absorbed by a body in the forms of photons each of definite energy E = hv.

7. Solar constant : It is the quantity of solar radiation incident normally per minute on 1 cm2 surface of a perfectly black body on the Earth. Its value is 1.93 cal/cm2 .

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11y ago

1. For a light of any given frequency, photoelectric current is directly proportional to the intensity of light, provided the frequency is above the threshold frequency.

2. For a given material, there is a certain minimum (energy) frequency, called threshold frequency, below which the emission of photoelectrons stops completely, no matter how high is the intensity of incident light.

3. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is found to increase with increase in the frequency of incident light, provided the frequency exceeds the threshold limit. The maximum kinetic energy is independent of the intensity of light.

4. The photo-emission is an instantaneous process. After the radiation strikes the metal surface, it just takes 10--9 s for the ejection of photoelectrons.

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Which phenomenon demonstrates a particle nature of light?

The photoelectric effect demonstrates the particle nature of light. In this phenomenon, light is shown to behave like a stream of particles (photons) by ejecting electrons from a material when it hits the surface.

Is reverse process of photoelectric effect is zeeman effect?

No, the reverse process of the photoelectric effect is not the Zeeman effect. The Zeeman effect is the splitting of spectral lines in the presence of a magnetic field, while the photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons from a material when exposed to light. They are two distinct phenomena in physics.

Do radio and microwaves produce photoelectric effect?

No, radio waves and microwaves do not produce the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light of sufficient frequency (typically ultraviolet or higher). Radio waves and microwaves have lower frequencies and energies than light, so they are not capable of causing the photoelectric effect.

What type of energy uses the photoelectric effect?

Solar energy uses the photoelectric effect to convert light energy into electrical energy. When sunlight shines on a solar panel, the photoelectric effect causes electrons to be released, creating an electric current.

What does light produce in a photoelectric effect?

In the photoelectric effect, light produces electrons when it strikes a material surface. The energy of the incident light is transferred to the electrons, causing them to be ejected from the material.

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Which phenomenon demonstrates a particle nature of light?

The photoelectric effect demonstrates the particle nature of light. In this phenomenon, light is shown to behave like a stream of particles (photons) by ejecting electrons from a material when it hits the surface.

Match the experimental conditions applied to the photoelectric effect observed.?

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What is the inverse process of photoelectric effect?

The inverse process of the photoelectric effect is the emission of a photon when an excited electron transitions to a lower energy level within an atom or molecule, known as photoluminescence. This process involves the release of light energy in the form of a photon.

What does light produce in a photoelectric effect?

In the photoelectric effect, light produces electrons when it strikes a material surface. The energy of the incident light is transferred to the electrons, causing them to be ejected from the material.

What percents of xrays are produced in a photoelectric effect?

Approximately 30% of X-rays produced are due to the photoelectric effect.

Can photoelectric effect done in vaccum?

Certainly, of course, and you betcha. The presence of air has no function or involvement in the photoelectric effect.

Who won the Nobel Prize for explaining the photoelectric effect?

Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. His explanation helped confirm the particle nature of light, leading to the development of the field of quantum mechanics.

What is Einstein photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light. Albert Einstein explained this effect by proposing that light is made of particles called photons, and that these photons transfer their energy to electrons in the material, causing them to be ejected. This concept helped to establish the quantum theory of light.

What does light produce in the photoelectric effect?

Light produces electrons in the photoelectric effect. When light of sufficient energy (photon energy) shines on a metal surface, it can eject electrons from the surface, creating a flow of current.

What is photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when it absorbs photons (light) of sufficient energy. This effect helped provide evidence for the quantized nature of light as packets of energy known as photons. It also plays a crucial role in technologies like solar panels.

When was Photoelectric effect found?

1897 by Heinrich Hertz

What is the opposite effect with respect to photoelectric phenomenon?

The opposite effect to the photoelectric phenomenon is the Compton effect, where a photon interacts with an electron and transfers some of its energy to the electron, causing the photon to scatter with reduced energy. This effect is a form of inelastic scattering and demonstrates the particle-like nature of light.