No. Obsidian is volcanic glass. Glass is amorphous and thus noncrystalline.
Type in "buy obsidian" in your search bar. You will be given information on several sources. Knappable obsidian sells for around $5 US per pound.
Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass formed from quickly cooled lava, so it does not have layers of banding like sedimentary rocks. Instead, obsidian typically has a smooth, uniform texture with occasional swirls or flow lines caused by the rapid cooling process.
No. Obsidian is brittle.
One type of obsidian is snowflake obsidian, which is black with white mineral inclusions that resemble snowflakes.
Obsidian is, itself, a mineral.
Obsidian is a natural glass.
yes obsidian is a crystal.
Obsidian is an igneous rock.
Other names for obsidian is Apache tears, volcanic glass, and Black obsidian.
Snowflake Obsidian
how is obsidian dependent on minerals