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10y ago

Rubber bands, Plastic Spoons, Cords, etc.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Me, Rubber Bands, Elastic Spoons, Chords, String, Some Toys

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4y ago
These are things that are flexible !!!!!!

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Q: What are the list of things that are flexible?
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Why is it important to be flexible in conversations?

However, in everything we do, it is important for us to stay flexible. Be it work, business, relationship, etc. Things don't always go as planned……and when there's a change in the things we do, we need to learn to adapt…to be flexible

A list of things to do is called a what?

A list of things we plan to do is called a To-do list.

What things are flexible?

Your body, rubberbands, gum, ect.

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How will being flexible help you in cheerleading?

If you are flexible in cheerleading this will help you succeed at many things such as doing the splits or doing difffrent gymnastic things. so it really does help speaking from experience to be flexible! HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!! love always Miss.cheerleader

What is a list of things we're going to do called?

A list of things we plan to do is called a To-do list.

How flexible is the human body?

Very, if you consider all the things we can do

Is there good things about cardboard?

It is flexible, strong, ceap, recylable and easy to get hold of. It is flexible, strong, ceap, recylable and easy to get hold of.

Can List 3 things forces can do?

Forces can cause an object to accelerate or decelerate, change an object's direction of motion, and deform an object by stretching or compressing it.

List things out of respect to the Flag?

There are many things that you could list out of respect for the flag. You should list how to take care of it.

In what ways is the US government flexible?

Government is flexible because it can do more things atonce, cause there are a lot of people that help out with the government. sometimes they are not flexible they don't have a lot of people or someone becomes sick or dies.

How do you say my list of things in French?

My list of things is 'ma liste de choses' in French.