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He said, "Son,

Have you see the world?

Well, what would you say

If I said that you could?

Just carry this gun and you'll even get paid."

I said, "That sounds pretty good."

Black leather boots

Spit-shined so bright

They cut off my hair but it looked alright

We marched and we sang

We all became friends

As we learned how to fight

A hero of war

Yeah that's what I'll be

And when I come home

They'll be damn proud of me

I'll carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because it's flag that I love

And a flag that I trust

I kicked in the door

I yelled my commands

The children, they cried

But I got my man

We took him away

A bag over his face

From his family and his friends

They took off his clothes

They pissed in his hands

I told them to stop

But then I joined in

We beat him with guns

And batons not just once

But again and again

A hero of war

Yeah that's what I'll be

And when I come home

They'll be damn proud of me

I'll carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because it's flag that I love

And a flag that I trust

She walked through bullets and haze

I asked her to stop

I begged her to stay

But she pressed on

So I lifted my gun

And I fired away

The shells jumped through the smoke

And into the sand

That the blood now had soaked

She collapsed with a flag in her hand

A flag white as snow

A hero of war

Is that what the see

Just medals and scars

So damn proud of me

And I brought home that flag

Now it gathers dust

But it's a flag that I love

It's the only flag I trust

He said, "Son, have you seen the world? Well what would you say, if I said that you could?"

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Q: What are the lyrics to Hero of War by Rise Against?
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What is the meanning to the song hero of war by rise against?

War is bad

When was Hero of War By Rise Against released?

January 3,2001

Was hero of war by rise against an award winning song?


What tuning is hero of war in by rise against?

Standard EADGBE tuning

What are good war songs?

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What hero of war by rise against means?

Some believe "Hero of War" by Rise Against is about the war in Iraq. It is more about the bad things that we are doing there. Tim had a friend that was a soldier who told him stories, look up Rise Against: Making of the Video "Hero of War" Others speculate that it is opposing the universal concept of war, no matter what the individual countries involved are. In the song, the country of the narrator's origin is never named or suggested, indicating that it is an opposition to war in general.

What year did the song hero of war by rise against come out?

May 20th, 2009

What are some famous songs of the band Rise Against?

The number one famous song of the Band Rise Against, is a song titled Savior. Others in the top five songs include Prayer of the Refugee, Hero of War, The Good Left Undone, and Re-education (through Labor).

Did the singer to rise against go to war?


Is rise against anti-soldier?

They're anti-war.

Who became a hero in the war of 1812?

Andrew Jackson defended New Orleans against the British

What did parliamentarians think of cromwell?

They thought he was a hero, because he helped them win the civil war against the royalists.