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Q: What are the main characteristics of rhythm and blues music?
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What are the main characteristics of heartless music?

The main characteristics of heartless music include sexism, racism, and swear words. Heartless music was created for the sole purpose of making money, rather than the love of music.

What is an fact about African music?

I think African music is diverse and dynamic. It changes from generation from generation, though the main aspects of the music will be guarded. African music is circular in form and it is also binary, that is, it has a leader and response. Its rhythm is polyphonic and and it has many sounds. I would appreciate if i got more information on African music Thank you

4 What are the two genres that combined to make jazz music?

Jazz came from American Folk Music, Romantic Classical Music, and African Tribal Music basically. The syncopation and rythmns from African Tribal Music was adopted by romantic classical composers, and that all merged into the blues, which progressed to become jazz with a influence of the instruments and solos we see in American Folk music.

Ragtime music is not true jazz because it is lacking one main element. That element is . a. Improvisation b. Rhythm c. Syncopation d. Beat?


What is the difference between jazz and the blues?

Blues is a vocal and instrumental form of music based on the use of the blue notes and a repetitive pattern that most often follows a twelve-bar structure. It emerged in African-American communities of the United States from spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants, and rhymed English and Scots-Irish narrative ballads. The use of blue notes and the prominence of call-and-response patterns in the music and lyrics are indicative of African influence. The blues influenced later American and Western popular music, as it became part of the genres of jazz, bluegrass, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, hip-hop, and pop songs. I suggest you check Blues, Jazz on wikipedia to get a clear idea of both. Now Jazz music was very much a continuation of blues music, except that it took advantage of the instruments of the marching band. The jazz musician was basically "singing" just like the blues singers even though he was playing an instrument instead of using his vocals. The kind of dynamics and of improvisation was identical. The call-and-response structure was replicated in the dialogue between solo instrument and ensemble. Compared with European music, that for centuries had "trained" the voice to sound as perfect as the instruments, jazz music moved in the opposite direction when it trained the instruments to sound as emotional as as the human voice of the blues. After all, many jazz instrumentalists made their living accompanying blues singers in the vaudeville circuit. The main difference between jazz and blues, i.e. the heavy syncopation, was the original contribution of ragtime. Thus the marching bands contributed the instruments, blues singers contributed the improvisation, and ragtime contributed the syncopation (that ragtime had, in turn, taken from the "minstrel shows"). Jazz as a separate genre of music was born at the intersection of collective improvisation and heavy syncopation. Another defining feature was that it was mainly instrumental (blues music was mainly vocal). For some observers of the time jazz music may have sounded simply like the instrumental side of blues music, or the group version of ragtime, or a non-marching club-oriented evolution of the marching bands.

Related questions

What are the main instruments in rhythm and blues?

saxophone, trumpet, and, piano

Who contributed the most to blues music?

The main contributor to Blues music was the African Slave trade as they introduced many of the techniques and instruments to America.

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Generally rock, blues and jazz.

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What are the main characteristics of heartless music?

The main characteristics of heartless music include sexism, racism, and swear words. Heartless music was created for the sole purpose of making money, rather than the love of music.

What are the 2 types of rhythm?

The two main types of rhythm are regular rhythm, where the beats are evenly spaced, and irregular rhythm, where the beats are uneven or unpredictable. Regular rhythm creates a sense of stability and predictability, while irregular rhythm can add tension or interest to music.

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20th century music consists of a lot of characteristics. Here are a few examples: Repitition Tone/colour Phasing

What are facts about blue music?

1. Blues Music originated sometime around 1890, in the southern United States. 2. It started with an African-American community who were influenced by many things like spirituals, field hollers, church. 3. Blues music as a genre was born along the North Mississippi Delta after the Civil War. 4. Blues music is often played with a saxophone in it as the style is quite jazzy, however the 3 main instruments are said to be the guitar, the banjo and the harmonica. 5. Blues music is usually slow and sad due to the fact it is about real life stories. 6. The most popular piece of blues music is called 12 bar blues. 7. The Blues music as a major influence over the music today. 8. The terms 'The Blues' refers to the 'Blue Devils,' which means sadness. 9. There are several variations on the blues style, Chicago Blues, Delta Blues, Texas Blues and Blues Rock are the four main kinds. 10. Some notable blue musicians in the early time include Robert Johnson, Bessie Smith and Bukka White.

What are ten facts about blues music?

The term "the blues" refers to the "blue devils", which means sadness.Blues music originated in the United States.Blues music had a major influence over twentieth century music. There are several variations on blues style, mostly based on the geographical region the style originated in. Chicago Blues, Delta Blues, Texas Blues and Blues Rock are the four major kindsThe first recordings of blues music were from the early twentieth century, and the style seems to have originated in the deep south of the United States.The guitar is perhaps the most central instrument of blues music. The main three instruments used are the guitar, Banjo and Harmonica.The most popular piece of blues music is called the 12 bar blues.After the war, when the slaves became free, they congregated in the cities, solidifying their own culture and music.African American music

What is an fact about African music?

I think African music is diverse and dynamic. It changes from generation from generation, though the main aspects of the music will be guarded. African music is circular in form and it is also binary, that is, it has a leader and response. Its rhythm is polyphonic and and it has many sounds. I would appreciate if i got more information on African music Thank you

Which two continents influenced the blues?

Africa and North America are the two main continents that influenced the blues. The roots of the blues can be traced back to African musical traditions brought over by slaves and combined with elements of European music in North America.

What city is known for blues music?

well blues being mainly American I will use those cities (im Aussie) Austin Chicago Louisiana they are the main ones