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the main groups of micro-oganisms are: fungi,



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Q: What are the main groups of micro organisms?
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What did edward Jenner have to do with micro-organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

What did edward Jenner have to do with micro organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

What is the basis for placing organisms into groups?

Organisms are placed into groups based on shared characteristics such as physical appearance, genetic similarities, evolutionary relationships, and ecological roles. This classification helps us organize and understand the diversity of life on Earth.

How many micro organisms do you have in your digestive tract?

the intestines have a plethora of micro organisms which mainly include the Lactobacillus group that produce lactic acid. E.coli is also found in some amounts. The main significance of these intestinal micro organisms is that they prevent the growth of other harmful pathogenic organisms as they compete for basic nutrition.

How do you kill micro organisms?

micro organisms can kill you by causing diseases

Does all micro-organisms feed on dead organisms only?

no not all micro organisms feed on dead organisms only

What animals are organisms?

Well, you just said it - plants and animals. Plants are plant organisms and animals are animal organisms. Other organisms are fungus, micro-organisms, and more. All organisms are place into three groups - producers, consumers, and decomposers.

What is the difference between micro organisms and organisms?

micro organisms are very tiny, invisible to the naked eye

How do micro organisms affect our lives?

Micro-organisms affect every facet of our lives. From disease to digestion, nothing we do remains unaffected by micro-organisms.

What are names of two main groups of organisms in fungi?

yeast and moulds

What are pathogen micro organisms?

Pathogens are disease-causing micro-organisms, such as viruses and bacteria