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Q: What are the main sports of the winter Olympics?
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What sport will debut at the 2018 winter Olympics?

No sports will be added in the 2018 Winter Olympics.

What is the difference between summer and winter Olympics?

The Winter Olympics have competitions for sports that are considered 'cold weather sports' .... sports that can only be done on snow or ice. These sports include skiing, speed skating, and ski jumping. The Summer Olympics have competitions for sports that are considered 'warm weather sports'. These sports include athletics (track and field), marathon, and equestrian. There are Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics because you can play different sports in different seasons.

How many SPORTS are there in the 2010 winter Olympics?

Probably around ten, eleven, or twelve sports.

2010 winter Olympics where are the events?

There are 15 winter sports events that were announced to be apart of the 2010 Winter Olympics.

What is the last sports event taking place in the 2008 Winter Olympics?

There were no Winter Olympics in 2008.

Why do you think it is impossible to include all sports in the winter Olympics?

I think it's because that it has to be winter sport like skiing snowboarding etc and we all ready have an Olympics for most of the main sports anyway and you can't exactly have a running race on ice....

How many winter sports did they start off with in the Winter Olympics?

16 events in 9 sports

What is difference between summer and winter Olympics?

The Winter Olympics have competitions for sports that are considered 'cold weather sports' .... sports that can only be done on snow or ice. These sports include skiing, speed skating, and ski jumping. The Summer Olympics have competitions for sports that are considered 'warm weather sports'. These sports include athletics (Track and Field), marathon, and equestrian. There are Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics because you can play different sports in different seasons.

Why do you have summer Olympics and a winter Olympics?

There are winter Olympics so people with winter sports interest can compete in the games. eg. Skiing, figure skating. Summer Olympics so people with summer sports can compete in the games. Gymnastics, swimming...ect.

What is a winter Olympics?

winter oympics is sports that include snow and ice.

How did the winter Olympics begin?

By moving all the sports that seemed like winter sports from the summer games to the winter games

What sports are a part of the winter Olympics?

figure skating