

What are the maintenance methods for Handmade Sink?

Updated: 6/7/2024

What are the maintenance methods for Handmade Sink?

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3y ago

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1. Clean immediately after use, wipe dry and store, try not to let water droplets on the surface of the sink, because the water with high iron content will cause floating embroidery, high mineral water will produce white film.


If mineral precipitation occurs at the bottom of the tank, it can be removed with diluted vinegar and rinsed with water.


Do not keep hard or rusty objects in contact with the sink for a long time.


Do not leave rubber pads, wet sponges or cleaning pads in the sink all night.

The above content is provided by Huzhou Fuji Elevator Co.,ltd.

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3d ago

To maintain a handmade sink, regularly clean it with a mild soap or dish detergent and a soft cloth or sponge. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers that can scratch the sink's surface. To prevent staining, wipe down the sink after each use, especially if it's made of materials like copper or ceramic.

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