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The major assumptions of the information processing model of memory include the idea that memory involves a series of processing stages (encoding, storage, retrieval), that information is processed in a sequential and systematic way, and that memory processes can be compared to a computer's information processing system.

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Q: What are the major assumptions of the information processing model of memory?
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Individual determinants of consumer behavior?

Individual determinants of consumer behavior include psychological factors (such as motivation, perception, beliefs), personal factors (such as age, income, lifestyle), and social factors (such as family, culture, reference groups). These determinants shape how individuals perceive products, make purchasing decisions, and behave as consumers.

What is a major behavioral theories that help explain information systems affect organizations.?

The Social Technical Theory is a major behavioral theory that helps explain how information systems affect organizations. It emphasizes that the effectiveness of an information system is determined not only by the technology itself, but also by the interaction between people and technology within the organizational context. This theory stresses the importance of considering both technical and social factors when designing and implementing information systems in organizations.

What major criticism of Freud's theories of personality is?

One major criticism of Freud's theories of personality is the lack of empirical evidence to support many of his concepts, such as the Oedipus complex and the unconscious mind. Critics argue that Freud's theories are based more on speculation and clinical observations rather than scientific research. Additionally, some critics have raised concerns about the patriarchal and sexist assumptions underlying Freud's ideas on human development.

What is chunking?

Chunking is a cognitive process where information is broken down into smaller, more manageable parts in order to improve memory and processing. By organizing information into meaningful groups or chunks, individuals can better retain and recall information when needed. This strategy is commonly used in learning, problem-solving, and memory tasks.

What two of the major approaches?

Two major approaches in psychology are the biological approach, which emphasizes the role of genetics, neurochemistry, and brain structure in behavior, and the cognitive approach, which focuses on how mental processes such as perception, thinking, and memory influence behavior. Each approach offers unique insights into understanding human behavior and mental processes.

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The major difference between main memory and auxiliary memory is that main memory is directly accessed by CPU but the auxiliary memory is not accessed by the CPU directly.For this the data is first transferred to main memory from auxiliary memory and then from main memory the data is transferred to the CPU for further processing. Answered By: Richa Singh

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wy is the major and basic assumptions very important in the preparation of the feasibility study?

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The central processing unit has two parts: the arithmetic logic unit and the control unit.In some architectures the arithmetic logic unit may contain a small local memory for operands/results (e.g. accumulator, floating point registers, general purpose registers), but not all do.In some architectures or implementations the control unit may contain a read only memory for the microcode that interprets instructions, but not all do.In almost all modern microprocessors a cache memory is attached to the central processing unit, as placing it in very close proximity to the central processing unit significantly increases performance, but cache memory is really part of the memory unit not the central processing unit.

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