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· A more rational approach to punishment.

· Utilitarianism: behavior is purposeful and not motivated by supernatural forces.

· Deterrence

· Punishment and sentences: proportional to the seriousness of the crime.

1. Principle of rationality: human beings have free will and their actions are the result of choice

2. Pleasure and pain (or rewards and punishment are the major determinants of choice).

3. Deterrence is the best justification for punishment.

4. Human rights and due process principles.

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12y ago

The classical school of criminology was founded by Cesare Beccaria in 1763.

The 4 points to the classical school are:

1. People have free will and choose how to act

2. Deterrence is based on the thought that people will ultimately seek pleasure and avoid pain, and that they rationally calculate risks and rewards.

3. Punishment of a crime should be proportionate to the offense.

4. The more swift and certain the punishment, the greater its effect in deterring further similar actions.

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The general principle of criminal law is that when a person is accused of an offense the burden of proof, therefore, is on the prosecution.

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The major principles are the principle of rationality, rewards and punishment, deterrence and human rights and due process principles.

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