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Q: What are the most commonly used alignments in Microsoft word?
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Which of the Microsoft products is most commonly used to create spreadsheets?

Microsoft Excel.

What is the most commonly used spreadsheet?

Microsoft Excel.

What is the name of the Microsoft program most commonly used to create documents?

Microsoft Word

Left-aligned and justified are two most commonly used text alignments in documents?

Yes, they are very commonly used. Centred text is common too, but the least used would be the right alignment.

What is the most commonly used spreadsheet in the U. S.?

Microsoft Excel.

What are the two commonly used alignments?

Left aligned and justified are commonly used, with centre alignment quite common, and right justified being the least used.

What is the most accurate software in database?

A commonly used program for creating databases is Microsoft Access.

What is merge in Microsoft Word?

The mearge app is most commonly used when working with graphs, charts, or tables. it combinds to seperat parts of the graph in to one.

What is the most user-friendly software for managing consignment goods?

The most commonly used software is Microsoft Office Small Business. Wasp also makes a good product for small businesses.

What are the four most commonly used application software packages?

Microsoft Office suite, in particular Word is very widely used. Other common applications on personal computers are Adobe Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Sahara.Increasingly, software is being run on remote servers - there are network version of some of Microsoft Office, but services such as Facebook, Twitter and so on are application programs that run, largely, on remote servers.

What are bits used for?

A bit is Background Intelligent Transfer Service. Bits will only transmit data when there is enough bandwidth not currently being used. It is most commonly used for microsoft update and system management servers.