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im doing my first year in mechanical engineering technology, and the hardest course so far are dynamics, statics and stress analysis.

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Q: What are the most difficult subjects in mechanical engineering?
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Where can I go to enroll into a mechanical engineering school ?

Mechanical Engineering is one of several types of education offered by the College of Engineering at a four-year university. MIT (Cambridge) is among the most respected in the country, as is Stanford and UC-Berkley. A complete list is here:

What type of job is considered a Graduate Mechanical job?

Most Graduate Mechanical jobs tend to center around engineering. This can include many different job types, including: medical, aerospace, and many more.

What is the percent of growth of mechanical engineering?

The job opportunities for mechanical engineers are outstanding. Nationwide, demand for all types of engineers remains well above the average for all other professions. And the mechanical engineers are in even greater demand than most other types of engineers. The U.S. Department of Labor expects that America will need as many as 87,000 new mechanical engineers by the time today's high school seniors graduate. Traditionally, high demand means high salaries. On average, a mechanical engineer who is just starting out in the profession can expect to earn about $51,000 a year. Within several years, that annual salary can jump to an average of over $70,000. These estimates come from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and reflect nationwide survey results. High demand also means greater opportunities to do interesting work. Because there is so much mechanical engineering work to go around, may young mechanical engineers usually have their choice of good jobs at the beginning of their careers. High demand for mechanical engineers also means the flexibility to do the work you like to do, and live where you want to. Since machines and mechanical systems are almost everywhere, mechanical engineers can usually find employment where they want to live. Traditionally, mechanical engineering - like all engineering professions - was almost the exclusive province of men. But today the opportunities for women in mechanical engineering are great. Today women comprise about 8 percent of the mechanical engineering profession. But they make up about 18 percent of the class of first-year mechanical engineering students. This means that the percentage of women in the profession will be growing quickly. Many schools are offering special scholarships and programs to attract women to engineering. Companies and organizations are actively recruiting women engineers, and offering high salaries and benefits to attract the best.

Do you have to have a license to be a mechanical engineer?

In most fields of practice, no. You just have to have credentials sufficient to pursuade an employer you can do the job. In certain fields, especially in the area of Public Works, a Professional Engineering license is required.

Why do most people choose mechanical engineering as a career?

yes it is difficult to explain but i think it is a discipline of engineering, and it is oldest one. think how our body works ?? because of mechanism. and this mechanism controls our body due to this we take any type of decision and we do anything.and my next example is - why we wear a different types of cloths?? because we like its fitting, stitching and many more but think again who gives fitting to cloths, who give stylish look to cloth ......only machines only tools. so i think everything is depends on machines from needle to aeroplane. so for me mechanicle engineering is so intresting and it is so enjoyable.

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I am an engineering student at the University of Rhode Island. Most schools that offer engineering as a major will require you to go up to Level III Calculus, as well as classes involving equations with multiple unknowns. Mechanical engineering is a very rigorous and difficult major, but if you study hard, you will do absolutely fine.

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focus on 4 engineering fields which are: 1) electrical engineering 2) mechanical engineering 3) civil engineering 4) environmental engineering ,

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your most important subjects are physics and maths (extended) but chemistry might also help

What does a mechanical engineer do on a ship?

Mechanical engineering. Most likely this will largely take the form of maintaining the engines.

What jobs similar to mechanical engineering?

Meteorology is a subset of mechanical engineering. But it takes highly specialized training, normally at the graduate level, to qualify for most jobs in the field.

Where can you make a robot?

At a mechanical engineering class at most accredited universities.

What is the most useful engine in US?

focus on 4 engineering fields which are: 1) electrical engineering 2) mechanical engineering 3) civil engineering 4) environmental engineering ,