

Best Answer

the most well payed job are:









Doctors, Engineers, Celebrities(for sure), Lawyers, Sports what about stock broker


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Q: Which job will give you the highest wages?
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What country has the highest wages?

US has the highest average salary; however, Great Britain and Japan have the highest per capita salary with the US 3rd. Note: as of 2010 Canada is actually the highest median PPP houshold income after taxes, Switzerland 2nd and US 3rd

Is civil give highest paying jobs?

No I don't think civil does thi highest job.

If they ganish your wages then you quit your job what can they do then?

NO, wages, NO garnishment.

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How do you get improved wages?

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How does demand for a job affect wages for job?

Demand for a job can increase or decrease the wages for a job. This entirely depends upon the kind of demand you are talking about. From: Employee side- If demand for a job increases from aspirants side than its wages decrease because many aspirants are available for that job. Employer side: If demand for a job increases from employer's side,wages increases because employer want to hire the aspirant at any salary.

Why do barbers get tips?

Almost all service workers get tips because they work for low wages and you give them a little extra if they do a good job.

Who is the highest weekly wages paid in footballers?

Samuel eto

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Where and how do people receive their wages?

Wages are the same thing as salaries, the checks or payment you receive when you have a job.

Who is highest paid NBA player and what is his week wages?

Kevin Garnet