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Q: What are the muscles that aid in displacement of maxillary fractures?
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What is the prognosis for fractures?

Fractures involving joint surfaces almost always lead to some degree of arthritis of the joint. Fractures can normally be cured with proper first aid and appropriate aftercare

What are first aid treatment for fractures?

a splint should be applied to immobilize the limb on the way to the hospital.

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What is a internal positive pressure aid?

A Internal Positive Pressure aid is an artificial aid for breathing used if you have problems with your muscles or lungs.

What muscles aid in breathing?

external/ internal intercostals

What is the function of the Instercostal muscles?

Aid in respiration - usually deeper breathing

How does an earthworm's circular and longitudinal muscles aid in movement?

Their short bristles or hairs are a great aid to them as well as the peristalsis of their locomotion.

Are tuft fractures an OSHA recordable?

Yes. Any work related injury that requires more than First Aid treatment is an OSHA recordable injury.

How are fractures treated by doctors?

Temporary measures include applying ice packs to injured areas, and the use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) to reduce pain and swelling. Initial first aid for a fracture may include splinting

What role do the rib muscles and diaphragm play in breathing?

Both aid in the expansion and relaxation of lungs.

What does The skeletal part of the musculoskeletal do?

Functions as a system of levers which allows the body to move with the aid of the muscles.

What does The skeletal part of the musculoskeletal system do?

Functions as a system of levers which allows the body to move with the aid of the muscles.